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No Aucnc9a for this meetinc <br />Minutes of Special Meeting of ^Lake Elmo Village Counci.l.�--AT,ril. 30,1974 <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Eder, Abercrombie, Shervhei.m,Pott and Brockman <br />Also present: Counsel Raleigh, P?C member. Williams and three citizens-- <br />C. Brandon, C. Iledcges and Ron Sovercirfn. <br />Purpose: To discuss possible anpl.i.cation for appointment of a <br />Charter. Commission. <br />General <br />Discussion: Ken Sovereign made statement to council as to the <br />bonefits to be ciori.ved from the appointment of: a <br />Charter Commission. His ;ic- r :o ,tl. i;e ;ire is to <br />expedite procedure anti have this matter ready for <br />vote at the %Ioveribe.r. Election. <br />Estimated cost $1500.00. <br />Mayor .requested that each councilman review tlic <br />material. lie received, with the objective of voting on <br />the issue at the "lay 7, 1974 meeting. <br />Ken Sovereign left copies of a petition for a <br />Charter Commission with each councilman asking that, <br />if he approves, he be the first to sign thus <br />sicinifying that the council. backs the idea. <br />Adjournment: Motion by C. Shervhcim ^nd by C. Abercrombie to <br />adjourn at 8:35 P.M. so mayor and clerk could. <br />attend another village meeting. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Donald Ilehsikomr-_r, Cleric <br />Village of Lake Elmo <br />