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Meeting of Lake Elmo Board of Review June 4, 1974 Page 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 1:10 p.m. by Mayor Eder <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilman Abercrombie, Assessor Park, County Assessor <br />and Clerk Mehsikomer <br />1. 3M C1ub:Represented by John Leslie, Bill Langlois, Ed Bruno and Joe Theissen. <br />Tartan Park John Leslie voiced his opinion that the market value increase <br />of $85,000 was too high. $11,000 was more realistic as this <br />covered costs of blacktop, backstops and benches, Bill Langlois <br />presented a chart showing discrepancy in values per acre of golf <br />courses in area. Tartan was rated highest at $1,194 per acre, <br />Indian Hills lowest at $438 per acre; in between Dellwood <br />$663 and Stillwater $577. Also presented excerpts from Minnesota <br />Open Space Tax Law of 1969. <br />No final action as quorum not present, <br />2, Ron Plate 36-37760-2305 <br />Hockert Market value increased from $24,182 to $29,414, Mr, Hockert <br />Lake Jane presented cost information showing discrepancy. <br />Road: Garage $2807 vs. 1991 cost diff. $816,00 <br />Trim 300 150 150.00 <br />Basement2450 700 1750.00 <br />Siding <br />dr. 400 400------�� <br />5957 32-- 41 overvalued $2,716,00 <br />3. Mrs. Plate 36-37032-2400 <br />Carl Rudeen Land lost to highway dept. <br />7718 Hudson House move was recorded on wrong lot, <br />Blvd.: Transfer building from plate 37032-2400 to 37032-2200. <br />4. Wood Plate 36-37200-2500 <br />Specialties Assessor explained market value assessment. Advised him he was <br />Lot 5-Elmo rated at $5.70/sq.ft. which was next to bottom rate of $5.12 <br />Park Walter per sq. ft. Mr. Witzel satisfied but not happy. <br />Witzel: <br />5. Lyle Plate 36-37750-2850 <br />Wagner Value $2,640 to 33,849 - 1973 Tax payable 1974 was calculated at <br />Lot 5- $905.00 based on 1973 mill rate. Evaluation explained. <br />Tablyn Park: <br />6. Al Plates 36-37750-4650 and 4750, Tablyn Park <br />Caulkins Advised council that he is being assessed for 1-1/2 lots. <br />8618 Iron- When he first wanted to build he was told no because of lot size. <br />wood Trdi1N.USed additional 1/2 lot to make one buildable lot. <br />Adjustment $50.00 in taxes requested. <br />