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07-16-74 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-16-74 CCM
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City of Lake Elmo Council Meeting Minutes July 16, 1974 Page 2 <br />Tennis Courts: Brad Lemberg of Bonestroo advised, thru C. Shervheim, that cost to <br />make two "B" courts at our present single court site would cost <br />$20,000. "A" courts which have appropriate lines coated in and with <br />a more permanent surface would cost $24,000. Both items include <br />complete new fences. <br />Lions have offered $4,500 for project. <br />Motion by C. Abercrombie second by C. Shervheim to authorize engineer <br />to proceed with bids for the "A" courts with instructions to install. <br />Carried 4 - 0. C. Brookman absent. <br />Pebble Park: C. Shervheim introduced resolution R74-24 that we engage county to <br />complete what grading they can in Pebble Park and to follow up and <br />complete on a bid basis that grading still remaining. Review of current <br />status to be presented at Aug. 6 council meeting. Second by C. Pott. <br />Carried 4 - 0. C. Brookman absent. <br />Kenridge 2nd Bldg. Insp. advised that the 50 ft. road easement on lot 5 Block 3 <br />Addition: and lot 3 Block 1 (west end of lots had never been processed. <br />Counsel instructed to write letter to Spring Co. Advising that no <br />building permit would be issued.until this had been resolved. John <br />Mueller advised that permit had already been issued on lot 5. <br />Final action pending. <br />Well Testing: Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie authorizing Mayor <br />Eder to write letter to Dept. of Health requesting sample testing of <br />wells in areas not covered by old Village Water System. <br />Motion carried 4 - 0. <br />Recess 6:30 p.m. Reconvene at 7:38 p.m. <br />Larry Parsons Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie to approve variance <br />Variance: granting Mr. Parsons permission to locate a house a minimum of 20 ft. <br />west from property line and a 15 ft. setback from existing structure <br />to east, as defined by the south line of house at southwest corner. <br />This is lot 7 Bordner - Gardner Farmettes and faces 39th St. <br />Motion carried 5 - 0. <br />Gerald Beach Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Abercrombie authorizing mayor and <br />Tree Inspector: clerk to enter into a contract with Mr. Beach for the balance of 1974 <br />at the quoted salary of $1,000 (payable in five monthly installments <br />of $200.) plus estimated expenses of $209.00. 1975 contract will be <br />considered later. Motion carried 5 - 0. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Presented affadavit showing they had use of well on DeCoster property <br />Ralph Pierre: until such a time as municipal water is made available to them. <br />Motion by C. Shervheim second by C. Brookman to grant a variance from <br />platting the land to allow the metes and bounds tract to be recorded. <br />Motion carried 5 - 0. <br />It is noted that this is done only in the case of a landholder splitting <br />off a single lot from a large block for personal use and homestead. <br />Clarance Pierre: No action taken on SUP request. <br />
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