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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 1975 pg. 1 <br />Meeting called to order at 5:04 PM by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Abercrombie and Pott and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Absent: Councilman Shervheim (Vacation). <br />Also present:Bldg. Insp. Mueller, Counsel Raleigh, Engineers Bonestroo and Noyes and <br />Forester Beach.and PZC Chairman Johnson. <br />Minutes: Correction on pg. 1 of the minutes of July 1-2. Name Peterson should be <br />Patterson. Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons <br />that minutes of the July 1,2 and 7 meetings be approved as submitted. <br />Carried 4-0. Councilman Shervheim absent. <br />Easements- Berschens & Moris:Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons to <br />accept the temporary easement from Charlotte M and Joseph Moris for temp- <br />orary storage of water in Berschens' Pond and to instruct counsel to pre- <br />pare substantially the same agreement with Berschens for a sililar ease- <br />ment. Carried 4-0. 1 <br />Hedges Easement:Motion by Councilman Abercrombie 2nd by Councilman Pott to approve <br />the following conditions for the Hedges - Lake Elmo Agreement. 1.City to <br />maintain an adequate system for the removal of water from Lake Jane <br />whether by pumping or otherwise; 2. on condition that no heavy equip- <br />ment be used for ditching and laying pipe across the Hedges property but <br />rather that it be done by hand, labor; 3.Agreement will terminate Sept. <br />15; 1975; and 4.City to install; if necessary, a four foot walkbridge <br />if trenching divides land to,impede walking in the area. Carried 4 - 0. <br />Forester: Gerald Beach reported that in the last three weeks 45-55 new cases of <br />Dutch Elm were diagnosed -involving about 100 trees. Some of the residents <br />have not responded within the required 20 days but appear to be taking <br />appropriate action. <br />Batton - Timber:Requested possible approval for regulated burning of diseased trees <br />on a once a week basis. Possibly stockpile from Monday to Thursday and <br />then torch on Thursday to live up to the requirement for the destruction <br />of diseased trees within 72 hours. Mr. Benson has been directed by the <br />PCA to contact the local unit of government. Procedures were discussed. <br />Mr. Benson to sumbit a specific procedure request through and with the <br />approval of Forester Beach for council consideration. <br />Metropolitan Transportation Development Guide Policy Plan: Motion by Councilwoman <br />Lyons 2nd by Councilman Abercrombie to direct clerk to submit a request <br />to Metropolitan Council for a public hearing in Washington County before <br />adoption of this plan. Carried 4-0 CCto Opal Peterson. <br />Mayor Eder recessed the meeting at 6:02 PM for dinner followed by the public hearing <br />on the proposed public improvement necessitated by flooding. <br />Mayor Eder reconvened the council meeting at 9:25 PM. <br />Mr. Brandt: Bldg. Insp. Mueller, speaking for Mr. Brandt asked council about possible <br />variance in house size. Motion by Mayor Eder 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />deny variance. Mr. Brandt should be instructed to conform to code or to <br />process his request for a variance through the PZC. Carried 4-0. <br />