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CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />SPECIAL 14EETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1976 <br />The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Vice -Mayor R. B. Abercrombie. <br />Councilman Shervheim and Councilman Pott were also present. <br />Engineer Noyes, Attorney .Raleigh, the Board of Managers of the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District and the Watershed District Engineer Molsather were present. <br />Mr. Noyes presented to the meeting his report on potential flood damage <br />for the City of Lake Elmo which report is dated February 26, 1976. <br />Mr. Noyes discussed the report at some length. He pointed out for example <br />that at the flood level of 924 feet (the level predicted for 1976 for Lake Jane by <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District) would result in flood damage to three homes <br />and five sewage disposal systems as well as an estimated 5,367 trees. <br />Other damage figures and lake levels throughout the City were discussed <br />in relation to the report. Mr. Noyes estimated that the cost to raise a 24 foot <br />by 40 foot home with six courses of blocks wonlU be on an average $6,000. <br />Mr. Shervheim moved that the Council receive the report and adjourn to <br />consider the report and further action thereon at the Council's regular meeting <br />on March 2, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Pott and passed by a <br />vote of four in favor and none against (Councilwoman Lyons arrived at 7:50 p.m.). <br />