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Memorandum to Don Me.hsikomer, City Clerk -- Lake Elmo page 4 April 2, 1976 <br />Councilman Shervheim then moved the adoption of the following resolution, which, after <br />discussion, was seconded by Councilman Abercrombie and carried 5 - 0: <br />RESOLVED, that a hearing be and it hereby is called for the purpose of receiv- <br />ing public comment on a proposal to commence pumping Lake Jane, assessing <br />the cost thereof to the properties benefited thereby, such hearing to be held at <br />8:00 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 1976, with proper notice and publica- <br />tion to be given in accordance with Minnesota law and with special notice to be <br />given by letter immediately to the Valley Branch Watershed District and the <br />Department of Natural Resources that the city of Lake Elmo intends, promptly <br />on receipt of the permits if it is determined that an emergency then exists, to <br />proceed with the pumping of Lake Jane to the extent that the City Engineer <br />determines is feasible and with the advice of the City Attorney. <br />After some discussion, Councilman Pott then moved to change the date of such hearing <br />from April 20 to April 14, 1976. <br />Such motion was passed by a vote of 4 to 1 with Councilman Shervheim voting negative. <br />After discussion of the reasonableness of advancing the date of such hearing, Councilman <br />Pott then moved to withdraw his motion, thereby returning the date of said hearing to <br />April 20th. This motion was seconded by Councilman Abercrombie, and carried 5 - 0. <br />Mr. Gunnar Gitlow then stated that according to an early map in his possession, a part <br />of the outflow from Lake Elmo which is now occupied by Tartan Park -- in the parking lot <br />area -- has been artificially elevated and should be restored to its original elevation so <br />as to permit the free flow of water. He stated that his early contour map indicated an <br />elevation of 882 and that his observation of water flowing over the parking lot during the <br />1975 flooding and since, show that this natural waterway may have been elevated in excess <br />of two feet vertical. It was the consensus of the Council that the City Engineer should <br />determine whether these facts can be substantiated so that the Council can decide whether <br />to order this waterway restored to its original elevation. <br />Councilman Shervheim then suggested that in the interval between this meeting and April <br />20, the engineer monitor the lake levels at least two times weekly, notifying the city <br />office of the elevations and instructing the Deputy Clerk to telephone each Council person <br />relaying this information so that a quick decision to hold an emergency meeting can be <br />made if the facts warrant it. This recommendation was agreed upon. <br />On motion by Councilman Shervheim, seconded by Councilwoman Lyons, the meeting ad- <br />journed at 9:04 p.m. <br />Respe tfully submitted, <br />loyd Shervheim, Councilman <br />