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MINUTES OF THE LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, OCTOBER 5, 1976. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:33 pm, by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilman Shervheim & Pott and Councilwoman <br />T.yons ( 7 : 3 7) . <br />Absent: Councilman Abercrombie <br />Also present: Engineer Noyes and Counsel naleiah (n:30) <br />^?inutes: Motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />approve minutes of September 21, 1976 meeting as submitted -- <br />Carried 3-0. Councilwoman Lyons, tardy, Councilman <br />Abercrombie absent. <br />Eagle Point Fork Installation: Engineer Noyes advised that he had <br />checked availability of 2nds for cement culvert. T•Toyes <br />located 54"x88" pipe at 556. rather than $74. per ft. <br />Cost $1347.00. Cost of flared ends $2500. (no seconds) <br />total cost $3,847.00. The supplier couldn't unload the <br />pipe. Cost of crane would be 540 - $50/hr--estimate <br />8 hours if trench is ready. materials are in stock. <br />Council requested that engineer get a second quote. <br />motion by Councilman Shervheim 2nd by Councilwoman Lyons <br />instructing engineer to proceed as fast as possible with <br />installation of the pine at the prices quoted. <br />Carried 4-0. <br />Whittier SUP: Requesting a SUP for installation of a garage (?4x22) <br />at 8488 Hudson Blvd. Mr. Whittier submitted letter <br />signed by all neighbors except 'Irs. Syrinc, and Dayton <br />Hudson Co. -- Council advised that the person to contact <br />at Dayton Hudson was Geo. Rite. <br />Discussion relative to potential roadway with suggestion <br />that this should be discussed with C. Swanson to determine <br />exact plan for road expansion. Mr. Whittier will return <br />to council meeting October 19, 1976. <br />Snowmoriles: Bill Eder --Lake Elmo Rascals <br />Dick Schultz-- Oakdale <br />Pat Maloney --Stillwater <br />Discussion regarding Possible snowmobile trails thru Lake <br />Elmo. Suggested a meeting of as many clubs as possible <br />with council. Bill Schwaub, Dave Morgan and *?innesota <br />Highway Department, on Saturday, September 9, 1976 at <br />9:30 AM in City Hall to discuss matter. <br />Richard Paquin--Variance--Fden Park, Lots 6-7. <br />Letter from Engineer Noyes (10/l/76) advising that request <br />was reasonable but would necessitate vacating drainage and <br />utility easement. Counsel Raleigh estimates this cost as <br />$100.00. <br />Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Shervheim to <br />change lot lines between lot 6 and lot 7 sub-iect to agree- <br />ment of assessor that meets & bounds description is not too <br />cumbersome and providing that property owner picks up all <br />expenses relative to the vacation. Carried 4-0. <br />