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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting January /if, 1977. <br />Meeting called to order 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Eder. <br />Present: Mayor Eder, Councilmen Shervheim, Pott and Councilwoman <br />Lyons. <br />Also Present: Tom Armstrong, Dave Morgan, Building Inspector Mueller, <br />Engineer Bonestroo and Counsel Raleigh. <br />In the absence of City Clerk, Don Mehsikomer, City Attorney <br />acted as Clerk. <br />Oath of Office: The City Attorney administered the Oath of Office <br />to Mayor Elect Armstrong and Councilman Elect Morgan and <br />Pott. Thereafter, Mayor Armstrong presided at the meeting. <br />Annual Appointments: The Council considered the annual appointments <br />required by law - City Depository, Official Newspaper and <br />.Acting Mayor. <br />Depository: On motion of Councilman Shervheim, 2nd by Councilwoman <br />Lyons, the State Bank of Lake Elmo was appointed as City <br />Depository for the year 1977, by unanimous vote. <br />Official Newspaper: On motion by Pott, 2nd by Shervheim, the Stillwater <br />Daily Gazette was designated the official newspaper for 1977,by <br />Unanimous vote 5-0. Thereafter, Shervheim moved_ that the <br />Clerk be instructed to send copies of all notices printed <br />in the official newspaper to the St. Paul Dispatch and <br />Washington County Review as news items.; 2nd by Lyons, <br />passed unanimously. <br />Acting Mayor: Motion by Pott, 2nd by Morgan, that Councilman Shervheim <br />be designated acting Mayor to preside or carry out the duties <br />of the Mayor in his absence. Passed-4-0,'Shervheim abstained. <br />Don Erie Variance: Councilman Pott moved to approve the Don Erie <br />variance in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission provided the variance,.which relates to front and <br />side yard setbacks,is within the dimensions set forth on the <br />sketch attached to these minutes as Exhibit "A'.'; provided <br />further that the variance allowed by Exhibit "A" should be <br />considered the maximum variance and the applicant shall <br />consult with the Building Inspector and the City Engineer <br />to make all reasonable efforts to set the garage as far from <br />the street as possible for safety reasons. Motion passed 5-0. <br />County Landfill: Councilman Pott reported that the City will be <br />able to use 1/2 of the building at the County landfill site <br />provided the City pays 1/2 the heating and light bill (the <br />entire bill is estimated to be $40.00 per month). <br />