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Minutes of Lake FLmo City Council Meeting Sept. 6, 1977. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. by acting Mayor Shervheim. <br />Present: Councilmen Shervheim. Pott and Morgan and Councilwoman Lvons, <br />Absent: Mayor Armstrong <br />Also Present: Adm. Asst. Whittaker, Bldg. Insp. Muller_, Counsel Raleigh <br />& Fncr. . Noyes. <br />Truck repair: Councilman Pott explained that the city pick-up has <br />been damaged and suggested several possibilites <br />rea_arding repair or non repair. <br />1. Repai fender -paint 8250.00 <br />0. Repair & Paint entire truck_ 51,000.00 <br />3. Quick sandblast and. paint $550.00 <br />4. Use as is. <br />"lotion by councilman Pott 2nd by councilman moraan <br />to approve a quick sandblast and paint job at a cost of <br />$550.00. Carried 4-0 Mayor Armstrong absent. <br />Job Descriptions Administrative Assistant -Clerk Treasurer. <br />vCounsel instructed to prepare an ordinance covering <br />responsibilities of administrative assistant for <br />consideration by council at a later date. <br />National Guard Councilman Morgan advised that the Tational Guard <br />would be operating again September loth & llth <br />at Pebble Park. <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan 2nd by councilwoman loons <br />to approve expenditure of up to 8500 to cover_ cost of <br />gas and food for guardsmen. Carried 4-0. <br />Council meetina recessed at 8:00 P.M. <br />Acting Mayor Shervheim reconvened the hearing on Ideal, Ist Ave. and <br />Immanual road improvement. <br />Letter recieved from Lois and Leroy Voelt7, in favor <br />of said improvement. <br />John Reinberger, attoreey, represented Mr. Schiltaen <br />and oppossed improvement based on a cost of $5,000& <br />T^Tarren Gravink originally signed petition but has <br />changedhis mind and does not feel he would be interested <br />at any cost. Duane Grace advised he still favored the <br />improvement. Mr. Reinberger & Mr. Schiltgen advised <br />that thw driveway is 60 ft. further east than shown on <br />the proposal and this would effect the amount of <br />assessable footage. <br />Hearing adjourned at 8;20 pm. <br />