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page 2 <br />Joint Meeting, Lake Elmo City Council and Lake Elmo PZC, Oct. 11, 1977 <br />L. Anderson, cont'd.--are brought into line as far as a valid permit <br />is applied for and the plans do show up validable, <br />then he will get a permit. But I had a heck of a time <br />pinning him down. First he wanted a garage as part of <br />the house -then he wanted to detach it -then he wanted <br />an accessory down here and I told him no way. Well he <br />says I want to store my boat- and I said by the way is <br />that going to be a commercial enterprise or is that just <br />a private hobby. Well he said strictly private. Well <br />then I'd suspect that you'd sign a letter stating so to <br />allay any fears that some of the neighbors might have <br />and I don't think that's unreasonable in the approach. <br />So, so far the residents down there checked out his <br />references, found out he's been kicked out of Afton <br />according to the sheriffs deputy. That's heresa_y tho. <br />Raleigh --I think the significant thing is he brought <br />this junk in without a permit whether it meets the code <br />or not. If you're not going to have a continual problem <br />we should jump on him hard now. I think you should get <br />into Ray right away -sign a complaint -take him into court <br />and then we can consider it after that. <br />That will be taken care of tomorrow. <br />Bldg. Insp., John Mueller, suggested to the council that they consider <br />that the position of bldg. insp. in this village should <br />be, very shortly, a full time occupation. <br />Planning Assistance Guide Application -Tom Loucks, explained the <br />Community Grant Application (Copy on file in city office) <br />Grant amounts requested -Community Comprehensive Planning <br />Fund Entitlement $6,252..00 and Special Planning Problems <br />Funds Requested $4,000.00 for a total of $10,252..00. <br />Mayor Armstrong offered Resolution R77-10 requesting <br />Planning Assistance Funds. 2nd by Councilman Pott. <br />Carried 5-0. <br />I94 Frontage Roads --Engineer Noyes and Adm. Assistant Whittaker explained. <br />Council and PZC discussed all of the possible options. <br />The highway department, per Mr. Whittaker, would be <br />making a cost study at their expense, of the attached <br />detached roads suggested. An informational meeting will <br />be scheduled at some later date at which citizens from <br />each affected section would be invited to attend to <br />see how the roads would affect them personally. <br />Any decision on what roads the city is interested in will <br />be withheld until cost information is available, early <br />in 1978. <br />Recess at 6:30 p.m. Reconvened at 7:35 p.m. <br />Planning Proposals --Since two planners had requested more time, Mr.Whittaker <br />allowed time up to October 18. Planned to ask council <br />to review these between 5:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. <br />Midwest Planning, Barton Ashman, Gunnar Isberg, Wehrman <br />Chapman, Charlie Tooker and Tom Loucks will probably be <br />the firms considered. <br />