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Minutes of Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, May 2., 1978. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:55 p.m., by Mayor Armstrong. <br />Present: Mayor Armstrong 5:00, Councilman Morgan 5:00, Councilwoman <br />Lyons 7:55 and Councilman Shervheim 8:00. <br />Absent: Councilman Pott <br />Also present: Adm. Ass't. Whittaker, Bldg. Insp. Mueller and Assistant <br />Grace, Engineer Noyes 6:00 and Counsel Raleigh 7:50. <br />The official council meeting, scheduled for 5:00 p.m., was delayed <br />until 7:55 p.m. due to lack of a quorum. During this early segment <br />the building inspector and his assistant did discuss the job descrip- <br />tion and duties of the community development officer with those members <br />of the council present. <br />Mr. W. McCarthy --re: application to rezone the W 2.640' of N. 1000' <br />of NW 1/4, Section 2. Mr. McCarthy presently -has <br />an option on the property. He asked for some indi- <br />cation from the council that they would favor his <br />plan for development of this tract. An Auto dealer- <br />ship would be the initial construction. What other <br />items will be included in this 1/2 mile stretch along <br />Iliway 36 will be resolved later. Mr. McCarthy agreed <br />that he would cooperate to the .fullest with the city <br />in layout and area development and that water and <br />sewer would be self contained within the area. <br />Motion by Councilman Shervheim to approve general <br />concept for a GB zone in this 1/2 mile x700' segment <br />along Highway 36 (W 2640' of N 1000' of NW 1/4), <br />Section 2)„ Second by Councilwoman Lyons. Carried <br />4-0. Councilman Pott absent. <br />Mr. McCarthy advised that he would apply for sub- <br />division and rezoning thru normal channels. <br />194-MNDOT: Merritt Linzie and Dave Ekern of MNDOT presented their latest <br />proposal for attached and detached roads along I94 in <br />Lake Elmo. They showed where they did agree to a de <br />Cached road in Section 32 but balance of roadway in <br />Sections 33,34,35 and 36 would be attached. They were <br />rather adamant that this was basically their final plan <br />except for possible hook access roads. Any variations <br />beyond this, by MNDOT definition, was local responsi- <br />bility. The additional cost for a detached from IIwy. 13 <br />to Hwy. 80 is estimated at $300,000. The additional <br />costs for detached road from Hwy. 80 to Hwy. 15, <br />$250,000. The city council raised a number of objections <br />to the plan but none were accepted by MNDOT. Mr. Linzie <br />advised that the road plan would be put into its final <br />form and submitted to Lake Elmo for a Resolution of <br />Acceptance. If Lake Elmo does not approve within 60 <br />days, the matter would be referred to the Metro Council <br />for their approval. Metro Council would review the <br />proposal and have the power to over -ride either the <br />local unit of gov't. or MNDOT. <br />