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Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, June 61 1978. <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35 PM by Mayor Armstrong„ <br />Present: Mayor Armstrong, Councilmen Pott, Morgan and Shervheim(7:30-9) <br />and Councilwoman Lyons. <br />Also present: Bldg. Insp. Mueller, Counsel Marshall and Engineer Noyes. <br />Agenda: Motion by Councilman Pott 2nd by Councilman Morgan to approve <br />agenda as issued. Carried 5-0. <br />First, Immanuel & Ideal Road Improvement Project: Engineer Noyes advised <br />that he had met -with 6 of the 7 landowners (7th invited <br />but didn't attend) to -discuss the cost of the improvement. <br />now that bids.were.received. Low bid $19,997.00. Total <br />estimated project.cost abaut.$23,000. Residents.agreed <br />to delete theseeding(estimated-cost $1,750.) which they <br />would handle personally with Mr. Schiltgen. Engineer also <br />recommended changing road surface area from 32' to 281. <br />Motion by Councilman Morgan.2nd by Councilman Pott to <br />approve Road Improvement Project on lst, Ideal. and Immanuel <br />with the following change -a - delete the seeding requirement <br />and change the blacktop road surface area from 32' to-281. <br />Motion subject' bid prices still.being.valid since they <br />were only guaranteed for 30 days. Carried 5-0. <br />Motion by Mayor Armstrong 2nd by Councilman Morgan to <br />set hearing of Road Improvement for July (lst. meeting) if <br />it is not approved per current quotes. Carried 5-0. <br />194: Recap of results by vote showed 10 replies for 1 A, 1 for 1B, 14 <br />for 3, 2 for 4 and 1 for 5A. Results were misleading since <br />many votes were from residents_on tiny land parcels on old <br />highway which had same value as large propertyhblder.. <br />Clerk instructed to attempt to get results by area as well <br />as popular vote. This to be available at the next council <br />meeting. <br />Eagle Point Fork Drainage Problem: Engineer Noyes reported original plan <br />for installation of culverts. Estimate cost $5000. <br />Current costs $16,500 but a minimum of $10,000. if certain <br />work is done by city crew. Bruce Folz advised that county <br />was planning on installing two 106" culverts under Cty.11wy. 6. <br />Based on this (6' arched) pipes we have discussed would not <br />be adequateto handle water coming under highway in any <br />mayor rain. Question raised as to how does the vBWD fit <br />into this problem; Suggestion for piers and bridge was <br />made. Another suggestion was to lower drainage area and <br />put in a concrete bottom ditch and allow water to run over <br />it. <br />Mayor suggested 2 alternatives; 1 citizens solve their own <br />problem or 2 petition city to handle the improvement and <br />assess the landowners. <br />