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Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, June 6, 1978 <br />page 3 <br />Parking --continued: of 33rd. St. North and asked for council approval. <br />Second by Councilman. Morgan. Carried-4-O.. <br />Board of Review reminder for Wednesday, June 7th.- 9 AM - 3PM. <br />Tennis Court Lighting: Qpotes are due in by Thursday and information will <br />will be distributed. <br />CETA: As of today only one application has been received. Individual will <br />be contacted to see if he is interested, Clerk will contact <br />Mike Howard to check our status for additional assistance. <br />VBWU Correspondence: Copies of. -Letters from VBWD to Mr. R.J. Connors,, <br />Mr. R. Gustafson-, Mr. R. Mogren_and Mr. Sohmidt::relat:ive <br />to fill dumped in Flood Plain. Mr. Co 6rs was required to <br />supply additional information,the other three were approved. <br />RR Siding removal: Copiesofnotice.of. hearing..were.distributed to land - <br />Owners along ttact.frontage scheduled for removal.. Since. <br />no replies were received council took no official position <br />approving or disapprovingv <br />PIC & Sewer Committee Vacancies: Mr. .Cunningham -submitted his.resignation_ <br />on the P9C.effective.Junw 1, 2978. Mr. Friedrich:.:had.pre-° <br />viously resigned from the Sewer Study Committee.. These items <br />should be.soheduled for the July Council meeting. <br />Copies.of applications from Cimarron should be distributed <br />to council for review. David Murphy application should be <br />included. <br />Adjournment: Motion by Councilwoman Lyons Armstrong to <br />adjourn at 11:40 p.m. Carried 4-0. <br />Meetings: Independent School Distrist 834 -- 6/20/78 --7:30 p.m. <br />Independent School District 622 6/29/78- --7:30 p.m, <br />Lake Elmo Regional Park Hearing -- 6/22/78 -- <br />