<br />September 11, 1978
<br />Mayor Armstrong convened. the meeting at 7123 p.m, with Councilwoman Lyons and.
<br />Councilmen Morgan and. Pott answering the roll. Admin. Asst. Whittaker was also
<br />present, and took the record of this meeting in the absence of the City Clerk,
<br />AGENDA; Morgan moved., seconded by Armstrong, -that the Agenda, amended to in-
<br />clude the City Newsletter after Assessor, be approved. Motion carried unanimously,
<br />ASSESSORt Whittaker reported that he is working closely with Dennis Zylla of
<br />the City of Oakdale on sharing an Assessor for the next assessment period..
<br />NEWSLETTERt Molly Hedges, in.a letter tb the Council, recommended the City
<br />contractvdth the Washington County Review for the next six months; and. increase
<br />her salary per issue from 75.00 to 110,00. Me, Hedges explained that she
<br />would mrk about 30 hours per week, if the Newsletter were published, by the
<br />Review. Pott moved., seconded by Armstrong, that the City enter into an agreement
<br />with the Washington County Review for six months; and, increase the salary for
<br />Ms. Hedges to ,�110 per issue. Motion carried unanimously,
<br />BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICESt After some discussion of the current need and
<br />expenses for Building Inspection; Morgan moved., seconded by Armstrong, that
<br />Whittaker be authorized to advertise for and screen applicants for the position
<br />of Code Enforcement Officer, a position to be shared, with the City of Mahtomedi
<br />with Mahtomedi picking up one-third of the initial cost, that the position of
<br />full-time Code Enforcement Officer be established.; and that -the position be
<br />filled as soon as practicsbly possible. Motion carried unanimously.
<br />The salary range will start at $16,500. Whittaker is to notify the current
<br />inspector; and arrange with Mahtomedi to participate in the interview process,
<br />The Council will firm up the job description at the September 19 meeting,
<br />CITY CLERK/CITY ADMINISTRATOR - 19791 Whittaker asked the Council to reconsider
<br />its position with respect to the City Clerk's position, should the City hire
<br />a full-time Administrator for 1979• He said it is his opinion that the two
<br />positions and the City, in general, would function better if one person were
<br />in charge, rather than have independent roles for the Clerk and. the Administrator,
<br />The Council agreed that this could work if Whittaker were the Administrator in
<br />i979,.
<br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, that the City hire Laurence Whittaker as
<br />the full-time Administrator for 1979; and that Whittaker write tt job description
<br />for the present Clerk whereby the City could make the best use of his skills and
<br />experience in 1979,• Motion carried. unanimously.
<br />Morgan moved, seconded, by Armstrong, that the present Clerk be asked to extend,
<br />his resignation until at least December 31, 1978, in his present job, Motion
<br />carried unanimously..
<br />Morgan moved, seconded by Armstrong, that the City offer Laurence Whittaker a
<br />two year contract, with annual salary reviews and full insurance benefits, with
<br />a first ysar sd.lary of $22,080.00; all subject to the concurrence of absent
<br />Councilman Shervheim Motion carried. unanimously.
<br />