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02-20-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-20-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council Meeting, February 20, 1979 <br />Acting Mayor Pott called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM. Councillors present: <br />Mottaz, Morgan, Johnson, Mayor Armstrong was absent. Administrator Whittaker was <br />present. <br />AGENDA: Motion by Mottaz, Seconded 'by Morgan to approve the agenda. Carried !t-0. <br />ENGINEER CONTRACT: Larry Bohrer and John Davidson were introduced as the new <br />Eagineers, representing Toltz, King, Duvall & Anderson, Inc. A brief <br />discussion of the rate agreement and cost for PZC attendance followed. <br />TKOA is to send the City a copy of their reimbursement policy. Motion by <br />Mottaz, Seconded by Morgan to authorize the Mayor and City Administrator <br />to execute the contract of Toltz, King, Duvall & Anderson. Carried 4-0. <br />SURFACE WATER PLANNING: Discussion of water problem areas in Lake Elmo, also the <br />question regarding pending vs piping. The Administrator was instructed <br />to draft a letter to VBWD indicating Lake Elmo's preference for ponding <br />as opposed to piping, to act as an interm policy. Lake Elmo, also, is <br />actively working on a Surface Water Management Plan. The Administrator <br />was instructed to inventory the aerial topography maps completed and <br />report March 6th on the cost of completing these for the City. <br />ZONING ORDINANCE: To date, Tom Loucks has not completed the final lot size study. <br />Also, the PZC has not received the final revised draft of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. Rob Ohelseth has the draft of the Comprehensive Plan ready, <br />and a joint PZC-Council meeting is planned for Monday, February 26, 1979, <br />DINNER BREAK - RECONVENE AT 7:30 <br />VALLEY BRANCH BOARD OF MANAGERS: The VBWD Board presented two items to the Council. <br />1) Estimates of the Preliminary Fund for Petitions 1003 & 1004; and 2) <br />A progress report relating to the petitions, received from Lake Elmo. The <br />estimated Preliminary Fund for 1003 & 1004 to the point of construction, <br />is $6117,000. Additional funds may be necessary if an EIS is requested. <br />The Preliminary Fund does provide for an Enviromental Assessment Worksheet, <br />but not an .EIS, Monies for the project may be secured from grants. The <br />Council was curious of Washington County could be assessed. The County <br />Park occupies much of the assessable area. VBWD would like the City Council <br />to make an affirmative decision on the Preliminary Fund, No action to be <br />taken. The City Council will make a further determination at the March 6th. <br />meeting. <br />HENDRIX MINOR SUBDIVISION: * of SW of NW 9 of Section 15 <br />Motion by Johnson, Seconded by Mottaz to accept the PZC recommendation and <br />approve the Hendrix Minor Subdivision request. Carried 4 0. <br />TRI-STAR FINAL PLAT: The final plat was incorrect, flat to be resubmitted. <br />SUBDIVISION STATUS REPORT: No questions, . <br />BUILDING COMMITTEE'S REPORT: Trio engineer was requested to submit an estimate, based <br />on the preliminary sketch for the addition. Motion by Mottaz, Seconded by <br />Morgan to authorize TKDA to provide a feasibility report for the addition <br />to the present fire hall, March 69 1979. Carried 4-0. <br />MORATORIUM: Motion by Pott, Seconded by Johnson to table any decision on a moratorium <br />until March 6, 1979, when a full Council will be present. Carried 4-0. <br />
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