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R-79 19 <br />RESOLUTION <br />CITY OF hAKE ELMO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING VALLEY BRANCH WATER- <br />SHED TO UNDERTAIM TEMPORARY FLOOD CONTROL <br />MEASURES FOR `IHE NORTHWEST PORTION OF THE <br />VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED DISTRICT. <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lake Elmo has on 3 occasions pumped <br />floodwaters from the Northwest section of the Valle Branch <br />Watershed District at the expense of the residents bf bake <br />Elmo only; and, .A <br />WHEREAS, existing lake levels, ground water conditions, <br />and snow cover in the area indicate emergency pumping may <br />again he necessaryin the Spring of 1979; and, <br />WHEREAS, permanent measures to alleviate this problem <br />failed to be ordered by the Board of Managers, Valley Branch <br />Watershed District; and, <br />WHEREAS, a over. 60% part of the watershed tributory to <br />Lake Jane is out side the corporate limits of the City of <br />Lake Elmo; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of <br />the City of Lake Elmo as followst <br />1. The City Council requests that the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District take appropriate action to provide tem- <br />porary relief from the flooding in the Northwest portion of. <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District watershed during Spring <br />of 1979 and thereafter. This flooding ultimately results in <br />damage within the City of Lake Elmo. <br />2. The Valley Branch Watershed District and the State <br />Department of Natural Resources are hereby notified that the <br />City of Lake Elmo considers the emergency pumping of Lake Jane <br />to be a minimum necessary to protect the health and safety of <br />the Lake Elmo residents in the Lake Jane Area. <br />3. That the City Council, by this Resolution and the <br />petition for said project hereby authorized, requests that <br />the Valley Branch Watershed District proceed, with all.s&4,h <br />temporary flood control projects as they deem necessary to <br />prevent future flood damage in the City of Lake Elmo frpm <br />flood water in the Northwest area and to levy or access the <br />cost thereof, in a fair and equitable manner throughout.the <br />entire Northwest portion Watershed District, based on con- <br />sideration of benefits received by any particular property , <br />and the constitution to the flood problems caused by the <br />present or potential use of various properties within that <br />district. <br />