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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, Special Meeting, March 12, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 8:08 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Johnson, Morgan Mottaz, and Pott. Administrator Whittaker <br />and Maintenance Foreman Wier were also present. <br />TRUCK BIDS (1-27,500 GVW Dump Truck): The Council agreed that some irregularities <br />in the specifications had presented problems for the bidders; but; de- <br />cided the City could only use information included in the original bids. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, that the Administrator be authorized to <br />enter into a contract for the purchase of one 27,500 GVW dump truck <br />with Meyer sand spreader from Crossroads Dord at a total price of <br />$21,287.29. The price includes an addition to the bid of $317.70 for <br />the back-up brake system; a price which was received by the Administra- <br />tor at the time of bid -opening. No one at Crossroads Ford at the opening; <br />and the price was given by them with no knowledge of any other bids or <br />prices. Motion carried 5-0. (Bid tab sheet with prices as bid is at- <br />tached to and hereby made a part of these minutes. <br />PUMP BIDS: The Council agreed that Whittaker should contact several other companies <br />for quotes on the pump, as the bids received were not comparable. <br />RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING DIpIC.ATION OF JANE ROAD NORTH: Morgan moved, seconded by <br />Mottaz, that Resolution 79-19 be adopted. The Resolution recognizes <br />that City right-of-way for Jane Road North - a road right--of-way ob- <br />tained by adverse possession. Motion carried 5-0. <br />VALLEY BRANCH PETITIONS 1003, 1004, 1005: Mayor Armstrong said he had some indi- <br />cation that Valley Branch had found project 1005, pumping Lake Jane, <br />cost-effective. He also said there may be a possibility that VBWD <br />would participate in the financing and assessing of projects 1003 and 1004 <br />if the City and Oakdale choose to enter into a joint powers agreement to <br />construct the projects. <br />1-94 CHALLENGE COMMITTEE: Mayor Armstrong said that, as long as the committee es- <br />tablished by the joint powers agreement did not want to let Lake Elmo out of the <br />agreement, the City should appoint representatives who would express <br />the current majority opinion of the City Council. Mottaz moved, se- <br />conded by Morgan, that Tom Armstrong by appointed the City Representa- <br />tive to the I-94 Challenge Committee; and that Jess Mottaz be appointed <br />the alternate f, Motion carried 3-2. Pott and Johnson voting <br />against. representative <br />STORAGE FOR EQUIPMENT FOR PROJECT :1005, VBWD: Valley Branch had requested the City <br />store any pipe or pumps associated with project 1005. The Council agreed <br />that the City could store the pipe outside on a City site; but, could <br />only store the pump if the new maintenance building is const�iucted this <br />Spring. <br />FIRE HALL ADDITION: After discussion, Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan, that the <br />City Administrator be authorized to order plans, specffications and <br />bidding documents for the original plan of the Fire Hall addition if <br />the Building Committee approves the final plan, with TKDA. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />The City Council recessed to meet with the Planning Commission at $:37p.m.; and <br />adjourned at 11:00 p.m. <br />