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04-12-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-12-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, April 12, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 7:37 P.M. with the following Councilors <br />answering the roll: Mottaz, Morgan, Johnson and Pott. Also present: Administrator <br />Whittaker and Engineer Bohrer. <br />3M/TARTAN PARK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS: Mr. Ed Bruno, John Leslie, and Al Lehman <br />discussed alternative solutions and funding arrangements .for drainage <br />improvements downstream from Lake Elmo Lake. Mr. Bruno said they were <br />concerned that the City would abandon the petitions for drainage improvements <br />in project 1004. <br />Mr. Lehman explained that 3M had a rough design for improvements that <br />would cost less than half the Valley Branch estimate; would not involve <br />road improvements or moving houses; and would fit into the ultimate <br />drainage plan. The project would run from $200,000 to $25090000 with. <br />perhaps some additional for right—of—way acquistion. <br />They said that if the City were to ask 3M/Tartan Park for help with a <br />defined plan; they would go to the 3M foundation for a grant to construct <br />-the project. Mr. Leslie said. there would be a sizeable grant over and <br />above the normal assessment for the drainage project. <br />After considerable discussion, The City Council took the comments under <br />advisement. <br />PROJECTS 10039 1004: After considerable discussion, Mottaz moved, seconded by <br />Pott, that the City adopt Resolution 79-26, "A Resolution repealing Res— <br />olutions 78-52 and 78-53; and withdrawing the petitions for projects <br />1003 and 1004." Motion carried 5-0. <br />CITY SURFACE WATER PROJECTS: Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott, that the City <br />develop a plan to 1) lower the existing culvert to Beutel's Pond, 2) <br />remove the two driveway obstructions in Eagle Point Fork, 3) improve the <br />earthen dam on Eagle Point lake so that water can be controlled temporarily <br />with sand bags, as needed; and, )[) press the County to enlarge and <br />lower the outlet to Lake Elmo; in the shortest time possible. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />3M/TARTAN PARK PLAN: Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, that the Administrator <br />be instructed to write a letter to 3M advising them that the City would <br />petition for the project they propose to solve the drainage problems <br />downstream from Lake Elmo Lake if 3M would agree to pay for the project. <br />Motion carried 5-0- <br />AERIAL PIiOTOS: The Council decided to order the aerial photos from Mark Rurd <br />for. $140.00 more because they can deliver them in about half the time <br />Aero—metrics can. <br />SURFACE WATER PLAN: The Council agreed. they would not order a surface water <br />plan at this time. <br />GOOD FRI:DAY HOLIDAY: Morgan moved, seconded by Pott that Good Friday should <br />become a permanent holiday because it had been declared a holiday 1976 <br />as a part of the pay plan for that ,year; and had been granted every year <br />thereafter. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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