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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, June 19,, 1979 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:15 p.m. <br />Councilors present: Mottaz and Johnson. Also present Administrator Whittaker, <br />Engineer Bohrer and Building Inspector Kluegel. <br />AGENDA: Addition under Administrators Report — Release of bond money for Green <br />Acres. <br />Mottaz moved, Johnson seconded to approve the agenda. Motion carried 3-0. <br />MINUTES: June 5, 1979 — Mottaz moved, Armstrong seconded, to amend the corrected <br />approval of the May 23, 1979 minutes and include the additional correction. <br />Page 3, paragraph 4, Spare Hydrant —.....that the City pruchase a fire <br />hydrant and install a gate valve to have in reserve for emergency repairs... <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />Armstrong moved, Mottaz seconded to approve the minutes of June 6, 1979, <br />Lake Elmo Board of Review, as written. Motion carried 3-0. Armstrong <br />contacted the County about the figures for Tom Wisdom, per Pott*s sug— <br />gestion. The County indicated the square footage correction, but felt <br />after going through the residence their assessed valuation of $97,000 <br />was more than fair... <br />Mottaz moved., Armstrong seconded, to approve the minutes of June 12, 1979, <br />as written. Motion carried 3-0. The date on page 2 to be changed to <br />June 12 rather than June 6. <br />CLAIMS: Mottaz moved, Armstrong seconded, to approve claims 79335 thru 79385. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />BUILDING INSPECTOR: A. Olinger — Inspector Kluegel presented some photographs <br />for Council � review. He suggested some screening of the property and a <br />possible mining violation. The Administrator talked to Mr. Olinger. He <br />has an agreement with the abutting property owner to cut down a hill be— <br />hind his property. He feels the mining is granfathered in. The Administrator <br />agreed to meet with Mr. Olinger again and work out possible screening and <br />resolve the mining question. The safety factor is the primary concern <br />where there is a mining operation. <br />B. Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber — Many complaints have been registered <br />zbout on —street parking and noise on week —ends, partiuclarily Sunday. <br />Another problem is water back—up on surrounding property. Bill Rogers <br />indicated that despite lumber being stored in the parking lot there is <br />still room for employee parking. He stated the lumber employees are <br />using the lot and suggested that the cars on the street may be using <br />the tennis courts. The Council suggested they look into this and if <br />necessary remind their employees to use the lot rather than the street. <br /># Thej— R,. sa ;+, +w ke <br />El TTTQ A; Cam. The problem is most severe during flash flood conditions <br />and aggrivated by no outlet down stream. No action can be taken until <br />the storm sewers are completed in Brooknanrs Addition and the City finishes <br />cleaning out the culvert running under 212. <br /># "a person in the audience" made the remark that Brockman Addition m ay <br />be the cause of the water problem in Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber's parking <br />lot. approved 8/7/79. <br />