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06-05-79 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-05-79 CCM
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Minutes of the Lake Elmo City Council, June 5, 1979 -2- <br />'s Green Acres - Bond Release - <br />Armstrong moved, Pott seconded to release the Development Bond for <br />Springborn's Green Acres, in the amount of $19,134-40. Motion carried <br />5-0. <br />Marilyn Banister will write a letter to Washington Federal stating <br />the City agrees to the release. <br />E. General - Engineers Report <br />Beutal Pond - The DER permit will be in the Administrators office this <br />week for signature. <br />Hard <br />Driveway - the preliminary lime for the driveway has been set and <br />al ernatives suggested. There is a natural drainage depression which <br />will require fill. Also consideration is to be given the request for <br />a foot bridge to be constructed over the fork. <br />James Kaufhold questioned the City's decision regarding the Hardy drive- <br />way. He feels this will create more traffic flow into the Tablyn area <br />and the residents should be made aware of this action. In this instance <br />the City does not have to contact residents. <br />The Engineer will compile an estimate of materials for the next meeting, <br />after which scheduling can be done with the National Guard. <br />MnDot - The engineer presented a MnDot program for correcting regulatory <br />signs on City Streets. A copy of the report will be sent to the <br />Maintenance Committee for review. <br />Park She Bid 0 enin Schedule - Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded to <br />set the Park Shelter Bi Opening for June 21, 1979, at 3:30 p.m. <br />Motion carried 5-0. The bids will be opened in the City Office. The <br />bids will be considered on June 26, 1979, at 5:00 p.m. at a Special <br />Council meeting. <br />Park Shelter Aire-He94- cdd+%� - Engineer Bohrer distributed the bid advertisements <br />approved 7 3/79 or the ire Eall addition. They will appear in local papers starting <br />Monday. <br />VALI-HI DRIVE IN: Dale Fuearstenberg reported that the drive-in will not hire an <br />authorized deputy, except for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The SUP <br />stipulates a deputy will be on duty whenever the theatre is operating. <br />The City Attorney advised the City has the authority to cite the operators <br />for violations until the requirement is met. Legal action to close the <br />theatre will begin if the requirement continues to be ignored. <br />197E FLOOD ASSESSMENT ROSTER: Armstrong moved, Morgan seconded, to approve all <br />property xo ary to the Tri-Lakes. This will include Foxfire Estates <br />and Springborn's Green Acres. Motion carried 5-0 <br />PROJECT 1005: In the opinion of Attorney Ray Marshall, Project 1005 will be delayed <br />a minimum of three weeks before VB will assume the project. This is <br />providing the managers order the project. The City understood VB would <br />take over once the project was ordered. <br />George Hedges stated that before VB can assume the responsibility, their <br />engineer will have to prepare plans, specs, and bids; prepare a cost es- <br />timate; get Bond Council; and secure bonding for the $77,000. <br />Hedges did say the managers could vote monies from their Administrative <br />Fund to ease the City's financial burden. <br />No action can be taken until the Managers make a decision. <br />
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