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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, NOPENm 6, 1979 —2— <br />SHA11TM MINING PERMIT: The Building Inspector contacted Schfers about <br />their mining permit. They have applied for a one year extension <br />for their operation behind J & W Marine. Fill is removed when <br />there is a demand and the operation should be complete at the <br />end of the extension. They will carry -on as usual at Richert's <br />Pit. <br />.Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve permits for <br />Shafer to mine at J & W Marina and Rioherts, Motion carried 5-0. <br />The J & W permit is for one year only; cannot be renewed; and <br />is the loleaning up' of a non -conforming use. The Richert <br />permit is a mining permit in an Ag zone. <br />PM TURN-OFF - PRUTECT 10051 Bob Wier contacted Al Fandry, Barr Engineering, <br />and masked when they intended to turn the pump off. He stated <br />they will not turn off the pump without City Council approval. <br />Bob stated this is creating problems for the Maintenance Department <br />now; and that he anticipates more problems the longer it is <br />left on. The City still holds the contract on the pump. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to turn the pump off upon <br />concurrence of -the Watershed District; but no later than <br />November 15, 1979, Discussion - if the City crew gets involved <br />with snow removal, someone will have to be hired to pull the <br />pump and the diesel tanks. Motion carried 4-1. Morgan voting <br />nay. Morgan feels this should be Valley Branchs' responsibility, <br />they are passing the buck' requesting Council approval. He <br />feel4 if it is necessary, the City should hire more help and <br />charge the Watershed District. <br />PLOW: Bob Wier has talked to Pott and Mottaz about how the old re- <br />versing plow fits the new truck. This plow was made to fit <br />the International, not the new Ford. Bob asked when the <br />Capital Plan provided for purchasing another plow. He feels <br />-the City needs another reversing plow due to the number of <br />oul-de-sans in the City. The straight plow can be mounted <br />on the For&. for this year. The cost for a new reversing plow <br />is 829000 to $3,oOO. Mr. Wier explained the different features <br />and what would be involved in mounting them on the new truck. <br />Pott stated that if we get a new plow it should be one that <br />,fits into the City's long range plan and also solves the problems <br />encountered with the new truck. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Johnson, to authorize Bob Wier to <br />compare available plows and if he determines one is satisfactory <br />than the Council authorizes up to 839000 for its purchase. If <br />a plow cannot be found that meets the standards, then the City <br />will wait until spring to consider the purchase. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: October 20 1979 ^- Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve <br />the minutes of October 29 1979, as written. Motion carried 5-0, <br />October 169 1979 - To be approved at the next meeting. <br />