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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL February 19, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:10 P.M. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Morgan, Mottaz, Novak, and Pott. Administrator <br />Whittaker was also present. <br />AGENDA: Whittaker asked the Council to add the Cimarron liquor license and <br />a heating and air conditioning license to the Agenda. Pott requested <br />the kitchen cabinets for the Fire Hall be added. Morgan asked that <br />the Seeler property be added to Council reports. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the Agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott,to approve the minutes of the February 5, <br />Motion carried 1980 City Council meeting as written.* Motion carried 5-0. Whittaker <br />4-0-1, Morgan advised the Council that there were only one—year terms open on the <br />abstained. Planning Commission; therefore, Betsy Halden was appointed for only <br />Amended 2/19/80 one year. He also advised the Council that Haseley had paid all the <br />water main assessments; and that Reichow paid no water main assessment. <br />*Add —CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve Claims 80014 thru 80057. Carried 5-0. <br />Amended 2/19TELESQUIRT, AERIAL FIRE APPARATUS AND PUMPER: The Council viewed a short film <br />80 on the features of this truck. Pott gave the Council rough costs for <br />the vehicle and telesquirt of $85,000 and $40,000 respectively. Armstrong <br />expressed his interest in considering the truck along with over—all <br />Fire Department planning, including buildings, contract service options, <br />and equipment/personnel needs for the Tri—Lakes station. The Council <br />agreed; and instructed the Administrator to invite a representative from <br />the FIRE Center and the U of Minnesota to the next Council meeting. <br />The Council agreed that the design of the fire truck should be agreed <br />upon by April 15, 1980. They decided the most accurate cost estimate <br />on the vehicle and apparatus would come in bids; so, Armstrong moved, <br />seconded by Pott, to invite bids on a telesquirt and truck, according <br />to Fire Department specifications, for Council review April 1, 1980. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />BODY WORK, FIRE TRUCKS: Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to authorize the <br />expenditure of 1979 funds to do minor body work on the fire turcks. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to rescind that motion and authorize <br />the transfer of unexpended 1979 Fire Department Funds to the 1980 budget <br />to cover the cost of the body repair work and a hydrant gate valve. <br />Motion carried 5--0. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Seeler property on the S.W'corner of of Sunfish Lake along Trunk <br />Highway 212.— Morgan reported that Dick Seeler might be willing to <br />accept something close to $20,000 for this property and a contract <br />of 5 to 10 years. After some discussion, the Council agreed it was <br />worth inquiring about. Mottaz moved, seconded by Morgan., to instruct <br />the Administrator to write Mr. Seeler asking what price and conditions <br />he would consider on the land sale. He is to say it is not essential <br />to the park system; but may have some value for recreation or water <br />storage at some future time. Motion carried 5-0- <br />B. Mayor Armstrong announced that the County Park Commission would con— <br />sider the Lake Elmo Regional Park at their next meeting. <br />