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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MARCH 12, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 7:43 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Morgan, Mottaz, Novak and Pott. <br />Gary Orlich, Mn/KOT Detailed Design Engineer for the I-94 project introduced his <br />staff: John Sandel, Larry Urb, and Tom 0°Ryan. Orlich explained the detailed <br />design of the frontage roads; and Mn/DOT's obligations to provide noise barriers <br />for noise abatement along an interstate highway. <br />He referred to drawings and photographs around the room; and explained the various <br />types of noise barriers. He said the City Council whould have to adopt a <br />Resolution either supporting or opposing the noise abatement measures after the <br />bearing. He then presented a slide/tape show on noise abatement. <br />Of the affected property owners there, six were in favor of the barriers and <br />one was opposed. .. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to adopt Resolution 80-14approving the construction <br />of noise retaining walls along Highway 694. Construction material to be brown <br />wood. Landscape plans for the residential side of the fence will be submitted <br />for Council approval. Motion carried 5-0. <br />