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03-12-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-12-80 CCM
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MINUTES, LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 12, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting at 5:02 p.m. with the following Councillors <br />answering the roll: Morgan, Mottaz, and Novak. City Administrator Whittaker was <br />also present. <br />MAINTENANCE FACILITIES: The Council discussed the merits of centralized facilities <br />All present agreed that a central garage would better serve the maintenance <br />function. <br />Pott arrived at 5:15 p.m. <br />The Council agreed that the total budget for the garage should not exceed <br />$175,000.00. <br />Armstrong recommended plan E, as prepared by the Administrator with two <br />outside doors, a beam for a hoist, and five feet for potential use as a <br />fire apparatus area, should the decision be made to use a bay for fire <br />vehicles. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, that the Council approve plan E, as <br />amended, for a cost not to exceed $175,000.00, including site work, well, <br />septic, and architectural fees. The Council will list the following options: <br />1) hoist, 2) brick facade, 3) fencing and landscaping, 4) an outdoor wash <br />rack, and 5) all 14 foot high doors. Motion carried 5-0. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE BIDS FOR MAINTENANCE GARAGE: Armstrong moved, seconded by <br />Mottaz, to authorize the Administrator to have plans and specs prepared and <br />advertise for bids for the five (5) bay Maintenance Garage. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Pott explained how the City might save some costs by reorienting the floor <br />drains. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT PLANNING COMMITTEE: <br />Membership: Armstrong moved, seconded by Novak, to amend the motion on <br />the Committee membership made March 4, 1980, to reflect a Committee of <br />^^ eight: 2 Councillors, 2 firemen, 4 lay persons (from Cimarron, Tri—Lakes, <br />the Old Village and Section 32). Motion carried 5-0. The Administrator <br />would serve as an ex—officio member. <br />Whittaker suggested the Committee address areas Lake Elmo might serve <br />outside the City limits, as well as areas within the City that we might <br />contract out to adjacent communities or departments. <br />Mottaz said the Committee should be told in advance that its findings will <br />be a recommendation only; and that it will not bind the Council. <br />Morgan said the Committee ought to look at the time and distance to various <br />areas of the City from alternative fire hall sites. Novak said the Committee <br />ought to pay special attention to fire hazards that industries present. <br />Morgan suggested the Administrator contact communities with fulltime <br />officers and ask for assistance in the planning process. The Council <br />agreed this would be beneficial. <br />_4 The Council asked that the Committee give monthly reports on their progress <br />to the Council. <br />
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