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LAKE ELMO TRAPPING ORDINANCE <br />An ordinance regulating trapping within the City of Lake Elmo. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO ORDAINS: <br />1. Purpose. It is the purpose of this ordinance to preclude trapping <br />except where specifically approved by the landowner.. <br />2. Violations. It shall be unlawful to: <br />a. Set traps within the City of Lake Elmo without the written <br />dated permission of the fee owner or contract purchaser of <br />the real. property upon which the traps are to be set. Per- <br />mission from a tenant or person holding any other interest <br />in the real property is not valid. <br />'' I b. To set traps in any park or other public property S+itirocrt-" teY <br />C �t ¢'2 > he -written and-d � ,,.--,� �,rmissi�n of the governmental body <br />responsible for or owning the real property. <br />C. To place any trap within five hundred (500) feet of a <br />building occupied by human beings, livestock or domestic <br />an imalcss�9.--U� j "Pp n,r v. J'-"A.u,.-, cs1 { H..e 6,-t vv �a.. � d � s" <br />d. Toplace traps within two hundred (200) feet of a public <br />right-of-way for roads. <br />e. To set or place traps which do not have the trapper's name <br />and either his address or his driver's license number etched <br />onto the trap or onto a metal tag which is welded, brazed or <br />soldered to the trap or afixed to the trap with a tightly <br />twisted wire or solid metal ring. <br />f." To a'l:Yow-txraps�Att-aet er pi�eed when_ -a prepping- <br />season <br />is_aot _-e€ferts--•-� <br />`,wa <br />3. Permission. The wr n ra ss on st con a n A b�tateme t 6l. _ o � <br />ing the trapper to place his traps, and <br />a. be signed by the fee owner or contract purchaser, aa(�1 +• <br />b. dated within six (6) months, and <br />.c, contain a drawing map or diagram showing the boundaries of <br />the landowner's real. property. <br />