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LJUI R ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 6, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. at 6:30 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Pott, Novak, Morgan, Mottaz (605), also Administrator Whittaker <br />AGENDA: Additions — Engineers Reports Brockman Addition and Beutel Pond <br />Item A: ESP Right —of —Way Easement. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Novak to approve the agenda as amended. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: April. 1, 1980 — .hrmstrong moved, seconded. by Pott to approve the minutes <br />of the April 1, 19801 meeting with the following amendment — the motion <br />on the MSA project to read.... to adopt Resolution 80-20, to call a, hearing <br />on use of MSA funds to blacktop the remainder of 450 street.... I ........ <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />April 15, 1980 — Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong to table approval of the <br />April 15, 1980, minutes until May 20. Motion carried 4-0. <br />CLAIMS: Claim 80235 — Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize this <br />amount, $2.1,238.00, be taken out of the Maintenance Equipment Reserve for <br />for the tractor—loader.—backhoe. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Claim 80243 — The .Admi_nistrator, asked the Council if they agree with the <br />cost to replace additional stakes on the Hedges property# other than those <br />removed for. the Irvin Court culvert. Mottaz stated the intent of his <br />motion was to replace all the stakes the Hedges requested. The Council <br />agreed this was the understanding. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve Claims 80229 thru 80271. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />AUDIT: The Council reviewed the budget expenditure and income audit to date. <br />Marilyn Banister will be at the next meeting toanswer any questions the <br />Council may have. <br />TKDA: Maintenance Garage: Wes Hendrickson presented cost:, estimates for 4 and 5 <br />bay buildings. The 4 bay building falls within budget projections at $173,400. <br />He suggested the City bid the 5th bay as an alternate. Estimates for a 5 <br />bay structure are $202,400. Other alternates include round drains vs <br />trenches, the breaksoom interior wall and .roof, and 3" jumbo exterior brick <br />vs painted block. The Council agreed the ,jumbo brick should be used as <br />part of the package rather than the block. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to authorize the Administrator to <br />advertise for bids for a 4 bay Maintenance Garage with alternates 0r a 5th <br />bay, trench floor drains, and break room enclosure. <br />Discussion: Morgan asked what additional costs could be expected, since <br />0200 has already been billed to the City for previous garage alternatives. <br />Mr. Hendrickson said the $5,200"would not be charged against the 11% for <br />this project and would be resolved outside of the current bid. IIe also <br />stated he is confident a 4 bay building, as proposed, can be built for $173,400. <br />`1'he 11% includes the bidding process. Motion carried 5-0. <br />The $51200 is a result of conflict of priority for budget (City) vs project <br />(TKDA). Payment of this additional $5000 was not resolved. <br />The bids will be ready to let on June 15. <br />