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CITY OF LAKE ELMO BOARD OF REVIEW, JUNE 49 1980 <br />Councillors present: Novak, Armstrong, Mottaz (2:30 to 5:30). Pott and Morgan (5:30 <br />to 7:30). Assessors: David Stephen and Patrick Poshek, Washington County, <br />1.. Gerald Wulfing <br />Estimated Value — $55,720 <br />Plate 37095-4200 <br />Questions on increased valuation. The Assessor explained the blanket increase <br />given to homes and property that were not reevaluated, and the addition of a pool. <br />ACTION: None <br />2. Joseph Timmers Plate 37760-2500 <br />Estimated Value — $14,000 37760-2550 <br />$14,000 <br />Questioned his lot value since there presently is no access to the rear lot.(lot 16). <br />ACTION: Council members present and the assessors corrected the valuation on <br />Lot 16 to $7,500, because of the accessability to the parcel. <br />3. John Rechtiene <br />Estimated Value — $101,005 <br />Plate 37180-2800 <br />Questioned percentage increase and requested estimated value be lowered. The <br />Assessor explained the blanket increase on the property. <br />ACTION. None <br />4. Walter Ahola <br />Estimated Value — $56,950 <br />Plate 37009-0130 <br />Wanted information on what his taxes will be on increased valuation. The <br />Assessor gave him the estimated tax for 1980. <br />ACTION:.7Ane <br />5. Earl Goerso 3250 Kraft Circle Plate 37235-2650 <br />Estimated`Value — $810,165 <br />This is a 100' x 120t lot that is presently unbuildable. Feels the valuation <br />is too high, This parcel also is not homesteadedr altho application was made. <br />ACTION: The Council members present and the Assessors agreed to lower the <br />valuation to $659000, Mr. Coarse will apply for homestead credit with his <br />adjoining property. <br />6. Julius Molnar 2311 Legion <br />Estimated Value — $61109000 <br />Plate 3718o-2650 <br />questioned the difference in base valuation of a 2 story home vs 1? story home. <br />Also, the cost per square foot on his home vs others in the area. Feels his <br />value is higher than comparable homes in the area. The Assessors did not go <br />through the home. <br />AC'i'ION: The Assessors will go through the house and verify the value. <br />ASSESSOM CORRECTION: After going through. the home the Assessoa corrected their <br />valuation to $6106,510. <br />7. Donald Knipe <br />Estimated Value — $C71000 <br />Plate 37385-2250 <br />Feels the valuation is too high for a now home 65-70% complete, The Assessor <br />valued the house at 85% complete. <br />ACTION: The Assessor will check the home for percent of completion. <br />ASSESSOR CORRECTION: The Assessors corrected the percent of completion to 75% <br />and reduced the valuation to $g65,250. <br />* Pull Council approval required, <br />