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07-15-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-15-80 CCM
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MINUTES, Lake Elmo City Council Meeting <br />July 15, 1980 <br />—1— <br />CONVENE: Mayor Armstrong convened the meeting a 5:12 p.m. with the following <br />Councillors present: Mottaz, Novak and Pott. Morgan absent. Administra- <br />tor Whittaker, Metro. Council Rep. Opal Peterson, Metro. Parks Open <br />Space Commission Rep. Dick Carroll, and Charles Smith of the Metro. <br />Council staff were also present. <br />AGENDA: Armstrong moved, seconded by Pott, to approve the Agenda with the <br />following additions; schedule the proposed use hearing for Federal <br />Revenue Sharing; discussion of the Larson Variance; discussion of <br />a trailer for the portable pump and the 1006 assessment formula. Motion <br />carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve the minutes of <br />the July 1, 1980, City Council meeting as written. Carried 3-0-1. <br />Novak abstained, as she was not present at this meeting. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the minutes of the July 8, <br />1980, City Council meeting as written. Carried /4-0. <br />CLAIMS: Armstrong moved, seconded by Novak, to approve Claims 80432 through <br />80468. Carried 4--0-1. Morgan abstained as he had just arrived and did <br />not have time to review the claims. <br />FIRE TRUCK BIDS: Whittaker advised the Council that he had made an error <br />in tabulating the bid of General Safety Equipment, as he had been told <br />thmir bid for the "total" included $4,800 for an alternate cab, which <br />the City did not order. In reviewing the bids, however, he found that <br />the $4,800 was nbt included in the total; so the actual total for the <br />fire body, pumps, and telesquirt was $94,693. He asked the Council _ <br />to authorize a maximum for the chassis and body of $122,386 — an in— <br />crease of $4,800 allowed under the previous motion approving; the bids. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Armstrong, to amend the acceptance of the bids <br />to reflect a total cost of $122,386.00. Motion carried 4 1. Morgan <br />voting against. <br />REGIONAL PARK RESERVE: The Council opened the discussion of the Park Reserve <br />with Mrs. Peterson, Smith and Carroll. Dean McGowan, County Commissioner <br />arrived shortly after the discussion began. <br />Smith explained that the present plan would not be sufficient for a lark <br />Reserve, as it does not contain provisions to restore and mange the <br />natural habitats and vegetation. He said the plan would be acceptable <br />for a Regional Park, as no preservation element is called for in a Park. <br />He also said the Metro. Council staff had always considered Lake Elmo <br />a Park, despite the fact that it had been sold to the -public and the <br />City as a Park Reserve. He said there are other Parks as large as Lake <br />Elmo that are not Park Reserves. <br />I Armstrong said the City wants the level of developmentkeptto 20 %, re— <br />f <br />
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