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07-29-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-29-80 CCM
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SPECIAL LAKE E]:,MO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 29, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. <br />CIMARRON NPDES PERMIT: The Council reviewed the letter to Pollution <br />Control from Valley Branch, dated July 29, 1980. The Council <br />agreed Valley Branch covered all the concerns of the City. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Morgan, to have the Administrator write <br />Mn/PCA supporting the Valley Branch Watershed District comments <br />concerning Cimarron"s NPDES Permit No. Mn. 0050636. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: A. MSA Project #1 - The low bid to complete the <br />project was $114,000, Before work can commence the City will <br />have to acquire the necessary r-o w and resolve the question <br />of the 40 mph curves, required by the State. (The City submitted <br />a design calling for 30 mph curves.) Engineer Bohrer recommended <br />the Council delay awarding the contract until after he meets with <br />Mn/DOT. <br />Mottaz moved, seconded by Pott, to hold awarding the MSA contract <br />until after negotiations with Pin/DOT. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Maynard Eder suggested the City investigate a reduced speed <br />zone (30 mph) on Lake Jane Trail. He also requested that <br />when the City meets with the Highway Department, affected <br />property owners also,be present. <br />The Council opposes the large amount of agricultural land the <br />40 mph curve would require and agreed 40 mph would exceed a <br />safe sped for this area. Also, the new DNR boat launch on <br />Lake Jane Trail should be taken into consideration for the <br />reduced speed zone, The Council instructed the City Engineer <br />and City Attorney to see if Lake Jane Trail (old 45th St.) <br />meets the statutory requirement for 30 mph, due to its urban <br />density. <br />Armstrong moved seconded by Morgan, to adopt Resolution 80-46, <br />requesting the Commissioner of Transportation to establish a <br />speed zone on Lake Jane Trail, 45th Julep and 46th Streets. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />B. Derrick Land Simple Lot Division - The Engineer reported <br />there is 1 acre of dry land on each site large enough for two <br />drainfields. lie also found no problems with the perc test <br />rates or soil borings. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Pott, to adopt Resolution 80-41, <br />subdividing Lot 8, Block 1, DeMontreville highlands 6th .Ad- <br />dition. Motion carried 5,0. As such time a permit is applied <br />for, the Building Inspector will determine the lots will be <br />adequate to handle the size of the home. <br />BALL TOURNAMENT LIQUOR LICENSE - HIDDEN VALLEY LOUNGE: The present <br />Ordinance makes it illegal to grant a temporary liquor license <br />in a public park. <br />
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