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LAKE T9,MO CITY COUNCIL ME7,"PING, AUGUST 51 1980 <br />-7- <br />ADMINISTRATOR'S RI2ORT: P. Ried Park Condmnation - Armstrong moved, secordod by <br />Pott to adopt Resolution 80- 3, initiating condemnation proceedings for <br />Ried Park. Motion carried 5-0, <br />t G. Guardian Angels License - Armstrong moved, seconded by Morgan, <br />to grant beer licenses to Guardian Angels Church for September 14, 1980. <br />Motion carried 5-0. The Church does not need a -Bingo license. <br />II. Armstrong Beer License - Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to <br />grant a beer license to Tom Armstrong for October 3, 1980. Motion carried 5-0. <br />1. Railroad Debris - Administrator Whittaker will contact the Chicago - <br />Northwestern Railroad about the debris pi'e and the culvert they filled <br />in while working on the tracks. A Zoning :District will also be determined <br />,for the RR so that the City can control what is done along the tracks. <br />ADJOURNMENT: 11:00 p.m. <br />