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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 16, 1980 <br />Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order at 4:55 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Morgan, Mottaz, Novak, and Pott. Also, <br />Administrator Whittaker. <br />KEN CARROLL -GRIEVANCES ON WAGES: Mr. Carroll related the nature of <br />his work and submitted comparison salaries in the area. He <br />requested the Council to reconsider his salary for 1981. Mayor <br />Armstrong thanked Mr. Carroll for coming in and stated the Council <br />will review his request and make a decision later in the meeting. <br />AGENDA: Additions - Announcement and Licenses. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Agenda as <br />amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: September 2, 1980 - Pott requested paragraph I., relating to <br />the Park Commission, be elaborated on. The Council agreed to <br />delay approval of the September 2, 1980 minutes until October 7, <br />1980. <br />Mayor Armstrong reviewed the Council's discussion and intent <br />concerning the Park Commission minutes that resulted in the <br />September 10 article in the St. Paul Dispatch. The tone of <br />the discussion was misconstrued in the article and resulted in <br />a misunderstanding between the Park Commission and the Council. <br />Councilman Morgan (Chairman of the Park Commission) stated <br />that the minutes clearly stated a recommendation on the <br />Beaubien property would be made and felt the Council should <br />have contacted a commissionnember before discussing the matter <br />or other concerns at a meeting. <br />The Council and the Park Commission will discuss this matter <br />futher, later in the meeting. <br />CLAIMS: Additions - $40,786.20 - Steele Construction - Maintenance Garage <br />$5,444.28 - TKDA, Architect fees - Maintenance Garage <br />$39.50 - McCarthy Well - City's Well <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve Claims 80578 <br />thru 80651. Motion carried 5-0. <br />LITTLE SUNFISH LAKE PETITION - CIMARRON: Stephen Taylor, Cimarron, <br />petitioned the City by letter to study alternatives to control <br />flooding on Little Sunfish Lake. Because of the high elevation <br />of the lake, Cimarron's treatment plant is in jeopardy. Sunfish <br />is presently above the water levels of Cimarron's ponds, and <br />seeping through their dike. The plant is not contributing to <br />Little Sunfish Lake. <br />Mr. Taylor reviewed the levels of the lake, the ponds, and <br />Horseshoe Lake with the Council. A publicl,hearing, with notification <br />of all residents who may be assessed for the project in the sub - <br />watershed, is required. Valley Branch indicated they could not <br />solve this within their $200,000 limit; and the City should do <br />the project if it is a temporary emergency measure. <br />