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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1980 -3- <br />LEGION POND: 4. And, the City will, upon petition, order the project <br />under Minnesota Statute Chapter 429. :This will be assessed <br />back to the petitioners over a period of years at 8% interest. <br />The petitioners should include a provision that the property <br />owners agree to waive their right to a hearing; then the City <br />can act on them immediately. A hearing will delay the project <br />several weeks. <br />5. The City Council will call a special meeting immediately <br />upon reciept of such petitions, so that the project can be <br />immediately ordered. <br />Discussion: The City is drafting the easements for pumping, <br />should that be feasible, and will discuss the permit for <br />pumping with DNR and Valley Branch Watershed District in <br />order to expedite the project. <br />Motion carried 4-0. <br />Attorney Marshall will verify if the Council can call a <br />special meeting to order the project without the required <br />two week notice, because of the emergency situation. <br />The City can order a project up to $10,000 without taking <br />formal bids. Any project will require Engineer approval. <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: Beutel Pond - The project is 60% complete. The <br />contractor has about 300' of pipe to install and the gate <br />is being fabricated. <br />NEWSLETTER: The Council reviewed the Newsletter on DNR Accesses and <br />Surface Water Use. The Council disagreed with the DNR hours <br />for water skiing. The Administrator will write DNR and <br />ask what the basis is for these hours. Mottaz suggested that <br />time limitations should include the effect on canoists, <br />sailboats, lakeshore, etc. as well as fishermen. <br />The Administrator will set up the Agenda for the meeting to <br />follow the format of the Newsletter. <br />ORDINANCE 7919- OFF ROAD VEHICLES: The Administrator responded to <br />the Councils questions on whether this ordinance repeals the <br />old ordinance. Ordinance 7919 adopts the State Statutes, <br />and adds off -road vehicles to the Snowmobile Ordinance. It <br />only repeals the definitions of the present ordinance, which <br />are now covered in Ordinance 7919. The City Attorney advised <br />that the Intent clause and its wording is necessary because <br />of adding the extra regulations. <br />Armstrong moved, seconded by Mottaz, to adopt Ordinance 7919 - <br />Off -Road Vehicles. Motion carried 4-0. <br />PAY PLAN: The Council reviewed and discussed the Administrator's final <br />recommendations on the Pay Plan. <br />Pott moved, seconded by Armstrong, to approve all the salary <br />changes, as recommended, other than Light Equipment Operator <br />and General Maintenance Operator. Motion carried 4-0. <br />