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12-02-80 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-02-80 CCM
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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, DECEMBER 2, 1980 <br />-2- <br />ENGINEER'S REPORT: A. Water Storage in Regional Park - The Council <br />reviewed the Engineer's memo outlining he storage areas and the <br />estimated cost. The Council discussed the construction material and <br />cost. if built, this will be designed as a permanent recharge area. <br />The Administrator and Engineer will meet again with the County on <br />December 18 to discuss their interest in this project. Morgan feels <br />the County and/or the Watershed District should assume the cost for <br />this project, and suggested it be included in the development costs <br />for the Regional Park. This will be pursued with the County, DNR and <br />VBWD. <br />B. Private Road Design - The Engineer recommended the minimum standard <br />for a public street'Ue a 2" blacktop mat on 4" of gravel, 24 ft. wide. <br />This differs from his recommendation of a minimum standard for a <br />private road. The original recommendation for a private road was <br />24' widergravel base road with 1 1/2" blacktop mat and a 50' turn- <br />around with cul-de-sac. His main concern is that once this type of <br />"private road" is placed on a City r-o-w, it should be wide enough <br />for emergency vehicles to pass and to provide snow storage. The City <br />will have the authority to improve a private road and assess the cost <br />should adjacent property develop, access becomes a problem, or the <br />private road is not maintained for emergency access. <br />Everette Beaubien - Mr. Beaubien requested the opportunity to express <br />his concerns a out the private road policy and explain his dubdivision <br />proposal. Mr. Beuabien talked to Lehart Friedrich, property owner <br />to the south. He agreed with Mr. Beaubiens proposal; and has no plans <br />to develop his property. Mr. Beaubien is of the opinion there is a <br />66 ft. dedicated easement along the Beaubien/Friedrich property. The <br />Administrator is verifying this with the City Attorney. The width of <br />the present access road is 12 to 1-4 feet. Mr. Beaubien maintains <br />this driveway and the graveled portion of Kelvin Avenue. He is <br />requesting that the City permit a graveled extension (about 100 ft.) <br />of his access to accomodate his daughters lot. He will maintain this <br />and will enter into a maintenance agreement with the City similar to the <br />Banister and Payne Agreements. He will provide the City a 66ft. road <br />easement. The Council reviewed the the Banister agreement and discussed <br />various other private road requests. They also discussed a 66 ft. <br />north/south easement next to the Beaubien home. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the proposal and variance <br />from the lot width requirement and improved public road for Everett <br />Beaubien, in concept only, for the following reasons and with the <br />following..:provisionsc <br />Because of the configuration of the property; the road cannot be <br />extended because of Sunfish Lake; a variance on the 125' frontage will <br />not impact the housing density provided only two homes are serviced <br />off this road (Mr. Beaubien's and the one proposed by this subdivision); <br />and provided that two 1 1/2 acre lots can be created; 2 drainfield <br />sites are available on each lot with one acre of land suitable for <br />septic tanks; perc tests and borings are submitted; and a Certificate of <br />Survey by a Registered Land Surveyor is approved by the City Council. <br />Mr. Beaubien further agree to enter into a Maintenance Agreement <br />with the City (per Banister/Payne Agreement); and provide a 66ft. <br />east/west road easement to the lots that protect the lake easement <br />rights of his neighbors and a 66 ft. north/south easement as such <br />time the City deems it necessary. Motion carried 5-0. <br />
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