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LAKE EL'MO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 209 1981 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br />Councillors in attendance: Fraser, Mottaz, Morgan and Novak. Also Administrator Whittaker <br />AGENDA: Additions - Ed Slinde - Olinger Survey; Correspondence. Delete - VB bill <br />until the February 2, 1981 meeting. <br />Morgan moved' seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />MINUTES: December 16, 1980 - Morgan moved, seconded by Novak, to approve the minutes <br />of December 16, 1980, as written. Motion carried 3-0-2. Fraser and Eder <br />abstained. <br />January 6, 1981 - Corrections - page 1, Claims - change date to January 20,, <br />City Council meeting; Public Inquiries A. .....that the principal building be <br />built before the accessory.....; page 39 paragraph 20 Mr, and Mrs. Ed Slinde; <br />Annual Organization Meeting, Item B. Midwest Federal, Eastern Heights Branch; <br />Item C, underline Washington County Review; add after inclusive, "as the Review <br />had addressed a letter to the Council with 'Gentlemen'% ; page !:, paragraph 2 <br />.....might get to know the present consultants.....; Item G. Renate Paulson; <br />Item H..... situations for proper reporting to the City Council, and is willing; <br />page 5, Item I, 2...... has been operating without a Chairman' one member short...; <br />Page 7, paragraph 1. Gaylen Springborn..... no 'longer be used for music and that <br />they would be directed at .....;page 9, Item C. Workers Comp Insurance. Other <br />corrections were punctuation. <br />Novak moved, seconded by Morgan, to approve the minutes of January 6, 1981, as <br />amended. Motion carried 5-0. <br />CLAIMS: Additions: <br />Marco Polo - Appreciation Dinner $ 420,00 <br />Lillie Suburban Newspaper - legal publication 93.79 <br />F. H, Rathke - lease on two oxygen cyelinders 257.00 <br />Arrow Building Center - Mats for Park Shelter 13.26 <br />Zignego - Insurance 109903.00 <br />Morgan moved' seconded by Novak to approve Claims 81054 thru 810939 as amended. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS: A. Mayor Elder - Marvin Merle, Mayor of Oakdale, would like to meet <br />Jointly with the Lake Elmo City Council once or twice during 19819 to discuss <br />mutual concerns such as parks and surface water, The Council agreed. Administrator <br />Whittaker will contact Mr. Merle and set the dates, <br />2. Re resentative Levi - Representative Levi has requested Lake Elmo to host <br />a joint meeting with Landfall, Oakdale, Woodbury and North St. Paul. The <br />Administrator will set up a meeting for February 199 1981. <br />3. AM - The Council discussed reactivating their membership in the organization. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Eder, to reinstate membership in the Association of <br />Minnesota Municapalities. In discussion Morgan and Mottaz explained the reasons <br />\_ the City withdrew from the organization, stating the City felt the AM was not <br />working in the interest of cities such as Lake Elmo, bills being lobbied for weM <br />not in agreement with City policy and that the positions of the City were not <br />being considered. Motion carried 3-2. Morgan and Mottaz opposed. <br />Morgan 'suggested all Council members attend these meetings. <br />