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is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: <br />1. The developer shall provide a temporary cul-de-sac <br />at the West end of 12th Street. <br />2. The developer shall dedicate the area shown as <br />a drainage easement including at least 1.5 acres <br />of land above the flooded area as defined by the <br />City Engineer. <br />3. The developer shall pay the sum of $2,735.64 for <br />the park donation required by the City. <br />4. The approval of the Preliminary Plat for Tartan <br />Meadows Subdivision is limited to those matters <br />set forth in the Preliminary Plat and does not <br />constitute approval of the design standards for <br />any of the streets or other public improvements <br />required by the City Subdivision Ordinance. <br />5. Detailed engineering data as required by the City <br />Engineer for evaluating a surface water drainage <br />.plan and a road and utilities plan shall be submitted <br />to the City Engineer or prepared by the City <br />Engineer at developer's expense as a pass -through <br />cost. <br />i <br />6. In addition to detailed engineering data as required <br />by the City Engineer, the developer shall submit such <br />data as is required to be submitted with a plat under <br />the provisions of the applicable City Ordinance. <br />7. The developer shall dedicate for park purposes an <br />area to be defined by the City Engineer of at least <br />3.7 acres in size. Said area shall be used for park, <br />drainage and ponding. <br />Adopted by the City Council this 17th day of February, <br />1981. <br />Maynard(, . Eder, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Laureice Whittaker <br />City Administrator <br />-2- <br />