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LITTLE SUNFISH ASSESSMENT HEARING, MARCH 10, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 9:10 p.m. , <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed the project and explained the assessment <br />method. <br />The total project cost will be assessed at $51.37 per acre. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />John Leslie <br />11546 20th St. - asked who petitioned for;`,the project .. <br />Administrator Whittaker replied Cimarron did. <br />John Leslie - stated this anticipatory project with no <br />immediate danger. He gave the past history of the Cimarron plant <br />and water flow in the area, and stated that there was no flooding <br />on Little Sunfish until Cimarron was built. He reviewed Cimarronb <br />petitions to the PCA for release of treated effluent into the <br />lake; and recommended that the City verify that this is not cur- <br />rently being done. <br />Mike Ahrens <br />Cimarron - stated that Cimarron has not dumped treated effluent <br />into Little Sunfish. <br />John Leslie stated that the increase of water is primarly since <br />the development of Cimarron, and this project was undertaken to <br />protect a private enterprise. Tartan Park, 3M, has opposed the <br />project from the beginning and said they derive no benefit. <br />Cimarron is the only one benefitting. He feels a.precident is <br />being established and asked if Tartan Park could request a like <br />project with the costs being assessed. <br />Mayor Eder said this question is hypothetical. <br />John Leslie - stated as in the past, they oppose the project, <br />derive no benefit, and oppose any assessment to Tartan Park. <br />Jim Flannery - Attorney representing Bob Kraeger, 1381 Lk, Elmo Ave. <br />Mr. Kraeger has 18.69 acres within the assessed area. The land is <br />in the extreme western portion of the watershed. The assessed <br />amount is $960. Mr. Flannery reviewed the file and feels Cimarron, <br />is responsible for this project. He said Mr. Kraeger <br />receives no benefit and suggested the City consider an assessment <br />technique that not only utilizes the parcel and its proximity to <br />the improvement, but the impervousness of the parcel and the <br />benefit derived. He recommended Cimarron assume the total liability <br />for the project. <br />He questioned Tartan Park's pumping of ponds and the impact of <br />this on the project. <br />In Mr. Kraeger's behalf, he opposes any assessment based on the <br />location of the Kraeger property &the fact that this property does <br />not contribute or benefit from the improvement. <br />