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PUBLIC HEARING, MARCH 10, 1981 <br />LEGION POND ASSESSMENT <br />Mayor Eder called the hearing to order at 8:37 p.m. <br />Engineer Bohrer reviewed the project and explained the assessment <br />method, stating the project and feasibility study was initiated by <br />a petition from residents around Legion Pond. <br />The Engineer prepared a Feasibility Study on lowering the level of <br />Legion Pond. The study determined additional testing was warranted <br />and the residenta=in the area requested that test wells be sunk to <br />determine the relation of the ground water to the surface water. <br />The wells determined that the level of the pond was supported by <br />the ground water. The total project cost was $7,876.54. <br />Resulting work, based on the study, was to fill several of the yards <br />abutting the pond. The City made fill available to the residents <br />and allowed a credit for the value of hauling the fill in an amount <br />of $4;309:20, This was applied against the total project cost; leaving <br />the net to be assessed at $3,567.54. The proposed assessments were <br />divided in two ways. $100 of the total cost is proposed to be <br />assessed for each of the petitioning lots which do not abut the pond. <br />The remainding $493.51 is proposed to be assessed to each petitioning <br />lot that does abut -the pond. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />Dan Collyard <br />2814 Legion - <br />Asked how the assessed amount compares to the first <br />estimated cost? <br />Larry Bohrer - <br />said the estimated cost given at the feasibility <br />hearing was for pumping. <br />Dan Collyard - <br />said he thought the first estimated cost included the <br />test wells and was less than $5,000. Why the higher <br />cost. <br />Larry Bohrer - <br />said the first public meeting on the Feasibility Study <br />was to pump the pond using the City's pipe and pump. <br />At that meeting the area residents asked that more <br />investigation be done before initiating pumping. The <br />cost_.of the test wells at that time was not known. <br />Bill Peterson- <br />2778 Legion - <br />said at the feasibility meeting everyone agreed that <br />further testing was necessary and that they all agreed <br />to share in an assessment. <br />Mayor Eder - <br />said that the project commenced under the petition, <br />so the limit of the tQ the limit of the <br />petitioners. <br />Bill Peterson- <br />said residents agreed at that time that more testing <br />was necessary to determine exactly what would be <br />necessary to alleviate the problem. The residents <br />refused to agree to anythin3further until additional <br />testing was done; and agreed to share in these costs. <br />Administrator <br />Whittaker - said the problem is that legally the City <br />cannot, under State Statute, assess anyone who did not <br />sign the petition unless an improvement is constructed. <br />The other residents, who said they would share the costsf <br />would have been assessed if an:'dmprovement had been <br />ordered. <br />