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03-10-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-10-81 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING, MARCH 10, 1981 <br />BEUTEL POND <br />Mayor Eder called the.ihearing to order at 8 p.m. <br />Engineer Bohrer explained the project and the assessment rnethod. The <br />total assessment for the project was $11,275.21. The per unit cost <br />is $39.69. The Engineer used the watershed area defined by <br />Valley Branch to compute the assessment. After investigating the <br />area he determined that a sub -watershed contributed to the pond. <br />This reduced the number of assessed parcels and raised the assessed <br />amount for the parcels within the sub -watershed. <br />AUDIENCE COMMENTS: <br />Engineer Bohrer explained that when this project was first discussed <br />the Valley Branch information was the ',`nest available. The assessment <br />notices were sent out from this information. <br />Several property owners east of Jamaca Avenue notified the City <br />that much of the water in their area was contained in land- <br />locked depressions and that it never ran over -land to Beutei's <br />Pond. <br />At the property owners reguestg the area was investigated and it <br />was determined that there is a sub -watershed within the previously <br />defined area. This sub -watershed contributes directly to the pond. <br />The Engineer coiifirmed the sub -watershed and determined that much <br />of the 'land east of Jamaca does not contribute to Beutel Pond. <br />He determined that the sub -watershed more accurately represents <br />the area that contributes to the pond. ,Ie noted several properties <br />that will be deleted or their assessment reduced from the roster. <br />The City Attorney advised the Administrator that another hearing <br />will need to be held on the new assessment roster. <br />Mike Hillard <br />8961 37th - Questioned the use of proposed when referring to <br />the project, since the project is complete. <br />Mayor Eder explained that the assessment basis is proposed. A <br />hearing is necessary before the assessment can be finalized. <br />Steve Huppert <br />3733 Jamaca - Asked if the money is already spent. Yes. <br />Wm. Hughes <br />9038 31st - Reviewed the map. He objects to his assessment <br />stating water from his property does not flow towards Beutel Pond. <br />lie said he has never had a water problem and has no benefit from <br />the project. He said neither his property nor his neighbor, Steve <br />Chlebeck contribute or benefit. <br />Steve Chlebeck <br />9018 31st - asked how the contributing area was determined. <br />Engineer Bohrer said he walked the property and considered low <br />areas, swales, culverts, etc. He also used contour maps in <br />determining the area. <br />
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