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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 19, 1981 <br />_ Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Morgan, Mottaz, and Fraser. Also Administrator <br />Whittaker <br />AGENDA: Additions: Old Business - Other - Tennis Court Resurfacing <br />Bids; New Business - Tartan Meadows Development Agreement; New <br />Civil Defense Director; New Lawn Mower; New Pick -Up; License Ap- <br />plication; New Chain for Sunfish Park Gate. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to approve the Agenda, as <br />amended. Motion carried 4-0. <br />MINUTES: May 5, 1981 - Deferred until later in the meeting. <br />CLAIMS: Morgan moved, seconded by Fraser, to approve Claims 81393 <br />thru 31423. Motion carried 4-0. <br />RAY MARSHALL AND APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANTS: Councillors Morgan <br />and Mottaz discussed their concerns on the possible conflict <br />of interest concerning Don Raleigh. No questions or concerns <br />were expressed about Mr. Marshall's performance for the City. <br />Both Mottaz and Morgan felt that another law firm should have <br />represented the City throughout consideration of the Brookfield <br />Revenue Bond request. ThW did not feel Mr. Raleigh should have <br />answered questions on the bonds when he was the solicitor of <br />them. Morgan did not feel Mr. Raleigh should represent Brook- <br />field during Council discussion and felt his presence during <br />the bond discussion raised the question of whether he was <br />acting as City Attorney or a land developer. <br />Whittaker noted that the legal work for Brookfield has always <br />been reviewed by Ekberg, Lammers and, to his knowledge, the <br />attorney has always delcared when there was a conflict of interest. <br />Mr. Marshall said he is the firm member who does °all -,the City's` <br />work and would like to continue to do so. He noted he is aware <br />of the concerns expressed and has met with both Councillor Morgan <br />and Mottaz to satisify these concerns. They have excused, them- <br />seleves whenever they have become aware of a conflict and will <br />continue to do so. Mr. Marshall stated he is not familiar with <br />the operations of the Brookfield Company and is not affiliated <br />the partnership. <br />Review of the Brookfield Industrial Bonds was done by Lammers <br />with the Dorsey Firm drafting the documents. Lammers also <br />did the legal review on the Brookman Addition Plat. <br />The Council discussed familarizing an alternate legal firm with <br />City procedure so that, when necessary, City work can be handled <br />with the City's format. <br />Fraser moved, seconded by Eder, to reappoint the City Attorney, <br />City Planner and City Engineer. Discussion - Mottaz requested <br />,an unders`tanding or, agreement with the Brookfield Company that <br />another partner, other than Don Raleigh represent them before the <br />Council. This would avoid future misunderstanding concerning <br />Mr. Raleigh's involvement with Brookfield and the City's legal firm. <br />The Council did not comment further. Motion carried 4-0. <br />