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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MAY 5, 1981 <br />-3- <br />Appointments - Morgan and Mottaz expressed concern that there <br />may be a conflict of interest with Don Raleigh because of his <br />affiliation with the Brookfield Corporation. They feel discussion <br />of this concern is appropriate before extending the attorney's <br />contract. <br />Amended *-Ise-€eft-t3a-lie-Gig [�o�x�ey-less-sLvaays-beet-eger�-aid-gblie <br />5/19/81 wrtY+-co-n€1re-srro-s;-si�ckr-ir+-lei-opr+exr--i€-k�ese-dis- <br />o-losu es -ago- po-blrc- sr-G-&a€14ret--Gf- iater-est-i-g-Pemete-arid <br />x�o-t-axe-€ss�e . <br />Novak suggested stipulating an alternate firm in the Attorneys <br />contract who would handle any work when a possible conflict may <br />be indicated. <br />*Amended expressed no dissatisification with Ray Marshall's <br />5/19/81 to representation, but felt there is an area of concern with Don <br />read Raleigh, who is a partner in the legal firm representing the City <br />Morgan & and his business interest in Brookfield. Morgan said many questions <br />Mottaz ex- were raised by residents when Brookfield requested the City to <br />pressed.... approve Industrial Revenue Bonds for their building. He and Mottaz <br />do not believe the City should use the Ranum, Raleigh, and Marshall <br />firm in any capacity for Brookfield activity. <br />Novak said it is important to have a legal firm that is familiar <br />and concerned with Lake Elmo and with City procedure. She does <br />not oppose reviewing other firms. <br />Amended * use-rac-orrkcer�-€t��tl� disc-ssior�-roc-ide-tl3e-Gitg [�tte��xey. <br />5/19/81 T-hQ r,,,,,,,•€b-ag-r-ced. <br />Morgan moved, seconded by Mottaz, to reappoint the City Engineer <br />and City Planner, and ask Ray Marshall in to discuss the Brookfield <br />Corporation conflict of interest question. <br />Discussion: Fraser suggested an open meeting, apart from a Council <br />meeting, be called for discussion with the City Attorney. Eder <br />suggested the Planner cotes in and talk with the Council. The <br />Council was not interested in talking with the Planner, and generally <br />did not favor a separate meeting with the Attorney. <br />Morgan and Mottaz withdrew their motion. The Council agreed to <br />invite Ray Marshall to the next Council meeting. <br />DINNER BREAK: 6:30 to 7:30 White Hat Restaurant <br />RECONVENE: Mayor Eder reconvened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. <br />INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS - BROOKFIELD II - PUBLIC HEARING: <br />Mayor Eder opened the hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />Don Raleigh reviewed Brookfield's financing arrangements and their <br />bond request with the Council. <br />Mayor Eder addressed Novak's question on construction qualifications <br />and limitations for revenue bonds. <br />