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R-81-4.3 <br />RESOLUTION <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM <br />30 MPH DESIGN SPEED ON 45TH STREET, JULEP <br />AVENUE, AND 47TH STREET; AND REPEALING <br />RESOLUTION 81-32 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lake Elmo, Minnesota, has <br />submitted to the Commissioner of Transportation the plans <br />and specifications for the 1980 Street Improvements,S.A.P <br />206-104-01, dated July 11, 1980, and <br />WHEREAS, state aid funds will be expended on the <br />improvement of said property, and <br />WHEREAS, The City desires to improve these streets <br />to eliminate the cost of gravel maintenance and generally <br />improve the efficiency of the transportation system, and <br />WHEREAS, a Variance from 14 MCAR,, 51.5032 Rules <br />for State Aid Operations under Minnesota Statutes, Chapters <br />161 and 162 (1978, as amended) Paragraph H.I. a., "Rural <br />Undivided Geometric Standards" is requested for S.A.P. 206- <br />104-01, 4.5th Street, Julep Avenue and 47th Street from Jane <br />Road North to Keats Avenue, for construction of the curved <br />portions of the street ata design speed of 30 mph where <br />40 mph is required. <br />A. The reasons for the request are as follows: <br />1. To utilize as much of the existing right- <br />of-way and roadbed as possible. <br />2. To minimize the amount of right -of --way <br />acquisition. <br />3. To keep prime agricultural land in production <br />which would otherwise be taken for additional <br />right-of-way, in accordance with Lake Elmo <br />Comprehensive Plan and Metro Council agri- <br />cultural preservation policies. <br />4. To address concerns of adjacent farm owners <br />expressed at public hearings regarding the <br />movement of agricultural machinery on the <br />road and its interaction with higher speed <br />vehicular traffic. <br />5. To avoid costs associated with additional <br />right-of-way acquisition and plan changes, <br />The economic, social, safety and environmental <br />impacts which may result from the requested <br />variance are as follows: <br />