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SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, JULY 14, 1981 -4- <br />OFFICE NEEDS: <br />Mottaz - <br />1. Landfill <br />2. Tear down the old building and construct a new one on the <br />present office site <br />3. Tied with the second choice --move the City Office function <br />into Lion's Park <br />4. He opposes buying new land or cluttering up the Fire Hall <br />with an addition <br />Novak - <br />1. Did not favor any of the previous solutions; but would con- <br />sider tearing down the present office and putting up a new one <br />at that site. <br />Eder - <br />.1. Landfill or tearing down the presentbuilding; because those <br />options received the most support among other City Council people, <br />Fraser suggested that the Council have an architect evaluate the <br />present building to see if it is worth remodeling or if it would <br />be better to tear it down or if an addition would be more practical. <br />Mottaz indicated that tearing down the present building would mean <br />a loss of $50,000 in resources. <br />M/S/F Mottaz/Morgan to select the Landfill as the site for the <br />new office. In.. discussion, Eder indicated he would first like <br />to evaluate the alternatives at the He also indicated <br />that the actual investment on the part of the City in the present <br />office was more near $25,000; and that he would still like to develop <br />the office in the present area so that it might encourage the <br />businesses to redevelop. <br />Mottaz indicated that he did not think the City Office was an <br />incentive _ for the businesses and that our activities would not <br />stimulate any redevelopment. <br />Novak indicated that she was opposed to selling the land we presently <br />ownf and, .wants to keep t-he costs down. <br />Novak, Eder and Fraser voted against the motion. <br />M/S /P Morgan/Novak to hire an architect to look into the cost of <br />tearing down the present office and building a new one on the same <br />sitefor remodeling the present buildinglor adding on to the Fire <br />Hall. Mottaz voted Nay. Members of the Council indicated they <br />wanted to interview the architects at the next City Council meeting. <br />ADJOURNMENT: M/S/P Morgan/Novak to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. <br />