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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - Sept. 1, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT - Fraser, Mottaz, Novak; City Administrator Whittaker. <br />AGENDA - M/S/P Novak/Fraser to adopt the agenda as amended. <br />MINUTES - M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to accept the 8/18 City Council minutes <br />as amended: <br />® Page 5, Para. 11 - Delete in its entirety: 111=be-Geapei+-agfeed-te <br />add-a-goal•#€y}ag-septer�ee-that-p�ev}des a-ga}de}}pe-�� <br />Page 7, Item 10.H: "Newsletter Policy - The council discussed . . . <br />occasional Councillor edi-te4 a}s materials." <br />• Page 8 - Item 10.J: "Dram Shop Insurance - Whittaker . . . licenses <br />issued to at Green Acres, they the applicant should be required to <br />carry this type of insurance." <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to accept the 8/21 Special City Council minutes as <br />amended: <br />Page 2 - 5th Para: "FIRE DEPARTMENT TRAINING - After some . . . <br />explaining the-gears-ef-the-gat#eas-tea}p}pg-pega�s-f}e�ep <br />attepd;-apd-+nd}eat+ng how best to . . firemen." <br />CLAIMS - M/S/P Novak/Fraser to approve Claim Nos. 81676 thru 81715. <br />RESOLUTION FOR VARIANCE, DIANE TRUDEAU - M/S/P Novak/Fraser to adopt <br />Resolution.81-60: <br />A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE TO DIANE TRUDEAU FROM THE STRICT <br />7A15/81a REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 301.070 D3C1 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE *RELATING TO <br />LOT SIZE: AND A HOUSE MOVING PERMIT FROM 1924 KELVIN TO 11.150 20TH ST. CT., <br />DR R �TTHE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION. <br />RADAUNITUNIT - Deputy Gary Swanson was present to solicit approval for <br />purchase of a police car radar unit to be used 100% of the time. 'Advantages: <br />reduced cost (good until end of year) will help handle resident's <br />complaints regarding speeders, stopping cars finds drunk drivers, reduces <br />rate of burglaries, can approach suspicious- looking moving vehicles, and <br />slows down motorists. <br />Concerns of Council: <br />...Fraser & Eder question purchasing equipment that is ordinarily handled <br />by County Sheriff's Department. (Swanson - Sheriff's Department does <br />not have money in budget for this; police car is used exclusively by <br />Lake Elmo police.) <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Eder to pursue 2nd option in letter from Capt. Green and <br />Sgt. M. Johnson where Lake Elmo purchases the radar unit and County takes <br />care of maintenance. <br />VARIANCE, JOE KAISER <br />A. M/S/P Novak/Mottaz to deny Kaiser variance from requirement that he <br />have 125' of frontage on a public street and private road, and to <br />instruct the engineer, Larry Bohrer, to work with Mr. Kaiser on a solution. <br />