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09-01-81 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-01-81 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - 9/1/81 Page 3 <br />...Whittaker - Other alternative, can appeal the decision of Variance <br />Committee by Contested Case Hearing within 30 days of letter (dtd 8/6) <br />denying variance, i.e, by Sept. 6. We'd have to enlist counsel to <br />represent us at hearing, present our case to hearing examiner, and he'd <br />make recommendation to commissioner. <br />- Given commitment of City Council to 30-MPH corners and assurances <br />already given to property owners that we make an effort to get it, we'd <br />probably have to appeal. <br />...Mottaz - Alternates B & C go beyond scope of budget right now. Also <br />takes exception to have 40-MPH corners. <br />...Fraser - They didn't give us any rational explanation or reason for <br />denial in material they sent us; would like to see it checked out further. <br />Bohrer discussed his recommendations stated in 8/28 report: <br />(a) Keats Avenue should continue as is, since alternates would not change <br />alignment or grade; elevation changed and slopes varied so .maximum of 20' <br />is required on either side of in -place 66' -one side not sacrificed for other. <br />(b) Alternate A be pursued (in keeping with goal to eliminate gravel roads), <br />and a thoroughfare plan be developed to show Alternate C so that this segment <br />could be added as collector road when area is platted. Also, least costly. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to protect our right to appeal and presumably they'll <br />give us until September 15 to review more detailed information that Whittaker <br />is to provide Councillors for decision. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Fraser to release hold on Keats Avenue and authorize engineer <br />to go ahead with plans and specs with no changes. <br />...Eder - People should be notified through newsletter (Bohrer will supply <br />information to Whittaker by 9/3). <br />B. Well #2 <br />... W i�i ttaT er - Could provide backup pump or set aside funds to buy one <br />($40,OOO to buy, and about $500/day to rent one); or finance generator <br />to use if power fails ( could be leased or bought, or cost shared with <br />other communities - Whittaker will contack NSP, generator companies, <br />and government surplus and f6..11ow up periodically on government surplus). <br />- Financing - can finance out to present reserve; rates should support <br />operating expenses; also look at non -users on water main system but not <br />hooked up. Generator would cost about $50,000. <br />Larry is to evaluate maximum service area of system to see how many property <br />owners would like water connection within area. <br />...Mottaz - Couldn't some money come from General Fund since fire protection <br />is involved? (Whittaker - can be calculated and computed.) <br />...Eder - If pump provided, we could have well on stand-by with installing <br />company for initial fee (say $300-500) and update value periodically. <br />...Whittaker - Cannot justify$205,000 improvement and tripling water rates <br />(already 30% higher than next highest rate in Washington County). <br />The Council did not want to require those noton water to hook in, as <br />there are only 15-20; and the extra revenue would not justify the ill <br />will it would create., <br />Cont'd... <br />
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