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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL - SEPTEMBER 15, 1981 <br />Mayor Eder called the meeting to order at 5200 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Fraser, Novak, and Morgan, Mottaz,-(5:4�; City Administrator <br />Whittaker. <br />1. AGENDA: M/S/P Eder/Morgan, to adopt the agenda, as amended. Additions: <br />Park Commission - TablynPark Landscaping; workers for Park Shelter; <br />LAWCON grant-Demontreville Park Trails. Administrator's Report <br />Commendation for Bob Wier and Ken Carroll; lake access; Washington <br />County Plan; Lot reconveyance in Lanes Demontreville Country Club; <br />and Licenses. <br />2, MINUTES: September 1, 1981 - M/S/P Fraser/Novak to accept( the minutes of <br />September 1, 1981, as amended, <br />* Page 1, Item 5: Diane Trudeau - ..Section 301.070 D3C1 of <br />the Zoning Ordinance relating to lot size; and a 'h'ous'e moving <br />permit from 1924 Kely n'to 1_1 20th'S't.'C't., per t e Planning <br />Com ss'ion recommendation, <br />* Page 7, Item A: Seminar on Housing To be held 9/1-5/81 <br />9/16/81..... <br />Morganabstained, <br />3. CLAIMS: M/S/P Morgan/Novak, to approve Claims 81716 thru 81768. <br />ROLLE MAXEY: Administrator Whittaker introduced Rolle Maxey, the new <br />Foreman/Superintendent to the Council. <br />4. PARK COMMISSION: Members present: Jim Yarusso and Bill Osborn <br />A. 'Rei'd''Park Tan � Whittaker passed out three master plan <br />proposals for Council review. The Council referred=the, proposals <br />to -the Park Comnis.sion'for'their consideration and recommendation. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Novak that the contract with the Park Planning <br />Consultants include the following provisions: <br />- After site inventory and analysis, but before preparing a <br />preliminary concept plan, the planners conduct or participate <br />'Amended in a public meeting to which everyone the park is <br />10/6/81 invited, interested in <br />- That the planners present possible approaches. <br />- That the people express their views. <br />- That there be an opportunity for a give and take discussion. <br />- That the planners consider these views in preparing their plans. <br />Whittaker distributed copies of the original Park Plan passed <br />with the bond issue. The Council generally agreed that the <br />original plan should not be used as a starting point for the <br />Park Planner, but, that changes from the original plan should <br />be listed and explained by. the Park Commission. <br />B. Benches, Pebble Park - Morgan explained why the Park Commission <br />recommended purchasing"and installing players benches this fall <br />rather,ahan waiting until spring, as the Council decided. After <br />discussing'the cost of the benches, Morgan said he will bring <br />the matter back to the Park Commission for reconsideration. <br />( C. Trail Grooming - Sunfish Park Whittaker reported that the <br />County is wil ing to groom the ski trails, and purchase a single <br />track groomer if the City would put up the money. Otherwise <br />they would use the two track groomer on the trails. <br />