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January 19, 1982 -2- <br />JAYCEE PROPOSAL: <br />Jim Wright - Good plan for 15 acres out of 400 acres.' Development <br />is gratis to the City. <br />Mayor Eder - City was not involved in this until December. <br />All parks in the City have a plan and are developed according <br />to the plan. Some problem in that people were told this area <br />would be a passive use. No problem with one ballfield. Problem <br />in finding a total benefit in having four fields. Why are the <br />ballfields in Stillwater not being used more or up graded to make <br />more useable, <br />Jim Dellis - Fields in Stillwater have been fixed up but are <br />not being maintained by the City. Jaycees have done maintenance <br />on the Stillwater fields but the City has not followed up on the <br />maintenance. Can lower the speed limit in the area, berm the area <br />for noise, wildlife will keep its distance from people ample area <br />for wildlife and ballfields. <br />Jane McNaught - questioned campers - motorcyclists using the park. <br />Response - This is a City park and will be govereried by the <br />the same rules as other City parks. <br />Bill Best - people can be controlled by the rules that are <br />set down and enforced from the beginning. <br />Mayor Eder - Pebble Park need a field developed - VFW field <br />not intensely used. <br />Bill Best - these are designed for Little League. <br />Mayor Eder - over the past several years the amount spent on <br />youth is nil compared to what has been spent on adult activities. <br />Arlyn Christ Requested the City Council to table any action on <br />the Jaycess proposal for West Sunfish and suggested the City <br />Council and the Jaycees work together on developing a plan, as <br />suggested by Councillor Mottaz. Nothing other than good faith <br />was intended or put into this proposal. <br />Three residents expressed opposition to the proposal. <br />Kathy Hemen, representing the Jaycee Women, requested the use of the old <br />Council Chambers in the Fire Hall for the Jaycee Women. They would like <br />the hall the first Tuesday of each month on a yearly basis. <br />--Mottaz - before approving future use of the facility the Council should <br />establish policies for future use, as there may be many requests. <br />--Fraser - this is an appropriate and favorable use; but, agrees this <br />is a good time to establish a policy. <br />--Whittaker suggested if they need a meeting place�on a one night <br />basis, they should call the City Office to see if the hall is available <br />and not being used by the Fire Department. <br />