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SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JANUARY 9, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 10:30 a.m. with Councillors <br />Fraser and Morgan present. <br />INTERVIEW - David Wasddrf: <br />The Council interviewed Mr. Wisdorf for the position of <br />Maintenance Foreman/Superintendentluntil_11:45. They then <br />discussed his qualifications and interest in the position <br />themselves. <br />The Council was very interested in Mr. Wisdorf, but felt they <br />should talk to the most qualified local candidate, Mr. John <br />Friedrich, before making a final decision. They agreed that <br />they did not want to advertise the position as open. Administrator <br />Whittaker was instructed to pull the ad from the Minnesota <br />Cities magazine and arrange an interview with Mr. Friedrich <br />for 5:30 p.m. on January 19, before the City Council meeting. <br />A final decision will be made at the January 19 City Council <br />meeting. <br />GREEN ACRES BEER LICENSES: <br />The Council discussed the Administrator's report that all of <br />the private parties being held at Green Acres were being held <br />after what was assumed to be the normal closing hour, 10 p.m. <br />They indicated that they did not know that these parties were <br />being held after hours. They agreed that it was unreasonable, <br />at this time, to deny a license to Kroy Industries for an <br />after hours party, as Kroy had been holding their party there <br />for several years without incident. But, they made it clear <br />that they do not want to encourage after hours policies until <br />the entire Council discusses the matter. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to grant a temporary non -intoxicating malt <br />liquor license to Kroy Industries for a party on January 22, <br />1982, with the stipulation that this is the only license they <br />will issue for after hours parties until the policy of the City <br />Council is discussed by the entire Council and Mr. Springborn, <br />at the earliest opportunity. <br />ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. <br />