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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING, FEBRUARY A, 1982 <br />Mayor Eder convened the meeting at 7:15 p.m. <br />Councillors present: Fraser, Mottaz, Morgan and Novak. Also, <br />l Administrator Whittaker. <br />1. AGENDA: <br />Additions: 9. H. Use of old Council Chambers; 9. I. Snow <br />Plowing, <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to accept the agenda, as amended. <br />2, MINUTES - JANUARY 19, 1982; <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to approve the minutes of January 19. <br />Motion carried 4-0-1. Morgan abstained. <br />3. CLAIMS: <br />Additions - Duane Grace - $50.00 and -Lou Bracke - $57,09, for <br />services rendered in helping interview Building Inspectors..and <br />bill Mahtomedi for half. <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to approve claims 82137 thru 83183, including <br />additions. <br />9. E. LICENSES: <br />M/S/P Morgan/Eder to approve the following licenses: <br />Heating Installer - Outdoor Coin Operated Machines - <br />The Snelling Co Misty Inn Motel <br />1400 Concordia 9730 Hudson Blvd <br />St. Paul, Mn, Lake Elmo, Mn. <br />Pumping of septic Systems- 3M Tartan Park <br />Ronald H. Meyer 11455 20th St. N. <br />5325 Manning Avenue S. Lake Elmo, Mn. <br />Afton, Mn. <br />Pinky's Croixland <br />13535 33rd St. S. <br />Afton, Mn. <br />4. BOB LAFAYETTE - APPRAISAL FEE: <br />Mr. Lafayette cancelled his agenda time with the Council. <br />The Council discussed the disposition of Mr. Lafayettes bill <br />as he contested the $400 amount paid by the City, and sent a <br />letter to this effect to Councillors Morgan, Mottaz, Novak and <br />amended Fraser. *As Mr. Lafayette has indicated he will have no further <br />2/16/82 dealings with the City,* -to Council action was necessary. <br />City. No <br />5. DISPOSITION OF THE OLD CITY OFFICE: <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Novak to lease the old City Office. <br />Discussion: <br />--Mottaz prepare a list of permitted uses along with the <br />Ordinance requirements for use of the old building - spell <br />out the requirements to avoid any misunderstandings between <br />l the City and the leasee. <br />