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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, JUNE 15, 1982 <br />CC3�' <br />�Board'.of Review - Continued <br />TheclCouncil directed the Administrator to send a letter to <br />Jerome Opland, Plate_37750-4150-4200-4250, advising him that <br />l all three parcels are required to meet the minimum building <br />lot size and informing him what action he should take to <br />combine the parcels into one buildable lot. <br />At the request of Mayor Eder, the Administrator will invite <br />the Assessor to a Council meeting to values, <br />assessment formulas, State requirements, etc, <br />B, Publ'�a�ation\i `�Cg�dif-9f,�\7etlan'dTs` �'Soil s', zoning and <br />Com%ib'sions \0tgan1iz'atio \ Ordinancess - <br />T P CouncilP're•,riewe: t e- Adm!nSstrator's memo, June 11, 1982, <br />explaining the options of notification for the new Ordinances. <br />This item was deferred until July 6 as a 4/5 majority was not <br />present. <br />C. trees .f"or\ Wet,`landl and >.56' 1. Permits\",(Amen'd\ R'\'81� " <br />M/S/P Eder/Motta.z to adopt R-82-38, a Resolution amending R-81-16 <br />establishing fees_ for permits in the Restrictive Soils Overlay <br />and TRetland Protection and Preservation Overlay Districts. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />D. `Meeting With" n'tyvand',-Mn'/D�T <br />Mayor Eder and'Administrator W <br />Lake Elmo Business Association <br />at the intersection of CSAH 17 <br />Mn/DOT, <br />rttaxer wiii attena me jury <br />meeting to discuss the proble <br />and Hwy 5 with the County and <br />E. ReVi'ew` Jim* McNamara St'a'tu`s','&' Pay' 'f'or,' End of'�'Probation - <br />TiF-e Council revrewed the..Adminrstrator''s comments and recommendation <br />on the status of Jim McNamara. <br />M/S/P Fraser/Eder to grant Jim McNamara permanent employee satus <br />with all rights, benefits and responsibilities; and grant him <br />post -probationary salary of $20,500, effective July 5,,1982. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />F . `.Sc'ki'ii'tgen\'Comp'la'it \"Ra?h'aEJs - <br />Afterreviewing Mr: oos_rugger's letter, May 28, 1982, indicating <br />Mr. Schiltgen was willing to settle his claim for damages in <br />the amount of $6,000, the Council directed the Adminisir.ator <br />to notify Mr. Moosbrugger that Lake Elmo is not willing to <br />pay damages, as they did not find the addition to Lake <br />Elmo Hardwood Lumber caused any measurable decrease in the <br />value of Mr; Schiltgen's property. <br />11-3VAU <br />11. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Planning, Commission,Recommendations <br />(2)' 'Six'bdivi's'on 'Ordin'axi'ce - Whittaker reported that the PZC <br />- defe—rre�.di' ussion' on UHis until June 26. <br />(31'L'and;c'ap'e'St'and'ards - Whittaker is preparing a final draft <br />of tfie Landscapin "tan dards for Council review. <br />