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CITY COUNCIL MEETING, July 20, 1982 <br />page 5 <br />( • Novak - should not get real specific (such as type of trees, etc.). <br />• Eder - can say percent of value of building could be used for <br />landscaping. Also, take out "planting island." <br />• Mottaz - standards need definition such as "screening.11 <br />• Fraser - with new type construction, these type standards need to be <br />applied, and old businesses encouraged to comply. <br />E. Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />M/S/P Fraser/Mottaz to adopt Resolution No. 82-43 <br />ADOPTING AMENDMENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REGARDING SEWER PLANNING. <br />(3 ayes, Novak abstain, Morgan absent) <br />8. COUNCIL REPORTS - none <br />9. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />A. Elections <br />(1) Polling Place - <br />Consensus of Councillors was to leave it at Fire Station until more <br />space is needed. Eder suggested signs telling people where to go. <br />(2) Electronic Voting Machines - <br />Whittaker had demonstration model and explained how system worked. Also, <br />( his memo of 7/20/82 to Councillors explained cost of equipment (could <br />be recovered after 3 elections) and the advantages of using this system. <br />State has approved only a couple of these systems for use in MN. <br />M/S/P Eder/Morgan to adopt Resolution No. 82-44, <br />THAT THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO GO TO ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEM IF WE <br />CAN SPLIT PRECINCTS SO POSITION OF NAMES ON BALLOTS CAN BE <br />ROTATED. (5 ayes) <br />(3) Counting Center - <br />M/S/P Morgan/Fraser to adopt Resolution No. 82-45, <br />TO SET UP COUNTING CENTER IN OAKDALE, MN. (5 ayes) <br />(4) Election Judges' Salaries - <br />After discussion, M/S/P Morgan/Novak to leave election judges and <br />chairman judge salaries at present $3.10/hour and $3.60/hour, <br />respectively. (5 ayes) <br />B. Proposed Use Hearing <br />M/S/P Fraser/Morgan to schedule proposed Use Hearing for Federal <br />Revenue Sharing for August 3, 1982 at 7:15 p.m. (5 ayes) <br />C. Conferences - Upcoming conferences were noted by Whittaker <br />for Councillors' information. <br />